Chapter 1

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hey LOL

Today is my first day at Hope's Peak Academy. I was a bit nervous, but I would probably be the classiest one there. I got out of my limousine and stood with my hands folded in front of me as my chauffeur took out my bags.

"Thank you, dear," I said to him, never bothering to know his name.

He nodded and got back in the limo, and drove back home, I presumed.

Wow, this place is huge. I never really minded where I went to school, but it's very nice to be recognized as the Ultimate Gambler.

Everyone here was recognized for something, so it's delightful to be among the best of the best. I took my bags by their handles and delicately walked in through the front doors. As soon as I got in, I saw about 15 students. They must be my classmates.

We all stood around awkwardly for a minute before a black and white bear jumped out of nowhere.

"I am Monokuma!" He exclaimed.

"The fuck?" This biker guy with big hair said.

"I am this school's mascot!" the bear explained, a stern look on its face. "You can all introduce yourselves to each other, and then go to that table over there for your dorm key. You may get settled in before the entrance ceremony at 3 pm."

The strange black and white bear disappeared as soon as he appeared.

We all looked around at each other, not knowing what to say.

"Um, I'm Aoi Asahina, but you can call me Hina!" said an energetic-looking girl. "I came to this school as the Ultimate Swimmer!"

"I am Sakura Ogami, the Ultimate Martial Artist," a tall, buff girl said seriously.

"I am Byakuya Togami. I am the heir to the Togami line," a rich-looking, disdainful man said. "Now if you excuse me, I'll be heading to my dorm."

"If I may interrupt," a preppy-looking kid said. "We haven't all finished introducing ourselves yet! Please wait until we are done."

The Byakuya boy looked annoyed but stayed where he was.

"I am Kiyotaka Ishimaru, but you may call me Taka if you wish. I am the Ultimate Moral Compass."

What does that even mean..? We were all standing in a circle going around it, and it ended up being me next.

"I am Celestia Ludenberg. I am the Ultimate Gambler." I was very used to introducing myself, and here was no different, bringing out my accent more than usual. "You may call me Celeste."

"I'm Hifumi Yamada! I'm the Ultimate Fanfiction Writer." He pushed his tiny glasses up his nose and looked at me intently. I gave him a weird look and looked to the next person.

"I'm Kyoko Kirigiri. I'm the Ultimate Detective. My dad is also the headmaster at this school." As she was talking, I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She had long, pretty lavender hair. We locked eyes for a moment and I swear I saw her smirk softly.

We went through the rest of the introductions, and everyone went to gather their keys. Some people already started talking like friends, like Taka and Mondo, or Hina and Sakura. I normally don't talk to people often, so I made my way to my room alone.

After settling in and unpacking my multiple expensive bags, I decided to go to the school area and look around the cafeteria for a tea or coffee shop. I went into a cafe in the school and ordered a tea. As I was waiting, I noticed the lavender-haired girl drinking coffee with a daydreaming look on her face.

I decided I should get to know at least one person at this school, it'd be no use being alone all the time.

I walked over and cleared my throat daintily. "Good day."

The girl, called Kyoko, looked up, surprised. She reapplied her poker face and replied with, "same to you."

"May I sit here while I wait for my tea?" I asked, wondering if she'd actually let me.

"Sure, I don't see why not," she shrugged. I sat down. "So, what's it like being the Ultimate Gambler? Surely you win most games."

I nodded. "Being the best ends in most automatic wins and riches." I was very wealthy because people would mistakenly bet a lot on our games, not knowing I would win.

"Hm," Kyoko softly grunted, looking into the distance.

"So," I said, wanting to continue talking to her. "Your dad is the headmaster, yes?"

"That's correct," Kyoko replied, a distasteful look on her face.

"That seems to bring you discomfort. May I ask why?"

"He left my family to come work here. I haven't seen him since I was 7 after my mother died." Kyoko's face was unchanged, seeming to not have an opinion on the matter.

"Oh," I said, not particularly sure how to respond. "I am very sorry to hear about your mother."

"It's alright, it was a long time ago." She stood up. "I'm going to go to my room for the remaining time before the ceremony. It was nice meeting you." She started walking away.

"Same to you, Kyoko Kirigiri," I said. I noticed her falter a little bit when she heard her full name.

I headed back to my room for the short remaining time after getting my tea before the entrance ceremony, thinking of her on the way.

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