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The moonlight was bright on the Hogwarts turf, the full moon was always difficult for Remus John Lupin, but he always had his friends. James, Sirius, and Peter kept him company each transformation and kept him from doing anything outrageous. Though this time James couldn't come, and he knew that James felt awful. Peter decided to stay back as well knowing this full moon would be difficult.

He didn't blame either of them, they were right to be nervous, but he couldn't help but admit that he was nervous for Sirius to be all alone with him. What he hurt Sirius in anyway shape or form he would hate himself if he layed a claw on Sirius Orion Blacks delicate skin.

He sat chained to the wall as he always was, he sat alone, the mauraders always waited until he was fully transformed to join him in the shreicking shacks basement. The burned his skin in some metaphorical way and he yelped in pain as he felt his bones transform and restructure.

Sirius rushed down the stairs as he heard his best friend scream in agony, just as he had every month since second year. He transformed himself and joined Remus in the cold basement. The beast he was met with was howling and clawing but Sirius tried to keep his paws away from his face.

The beast like animal tried to get to him, it tried to get loose from the chains that held him tightly. He clawed at his own arms, forcing bloods out of his already skinny body. His long claws forming deep cuts that would surely scar and Sirius tried to prevent it but it just kept happening. Remus harmed himself to keep the others safe, to keep the other students out of harm. Sirius always thought that was heroic, but even when he told Remus, he didn't believe him. 

The cold chains and dark wall slivered the beasts body. The wall had blood stains all over and the chains looked like a torture device. It was painful to watch his best friend in so much agony but he knew Remus felt worse. Sirius approached the beast as the moon slipped under the tree line and the wolf became more tired, and dull.

The beast fell to the floor and knocked his head on the wall, Sirius nuzzled his nose into the beasts side. The beast howled one last, piercing, heart dropping, howl into the cold night and then Remus' bones began to crack back into place. Sirius layed an old sweater beside the beast and left the room. He heard another piercing howl and yelps. Then he heard Remus groan and pull on the old sweater and pair of pants.

Sirius walked back in noticing the small patch of blood on his white button down. Remus untangled himself from the chains and burst to Sirius.


Remus wrapped his arms around Sirius.

"moony listen it's not your fault"

"but look" Remus pointed to the patch of blood on his shirt, right above his stomach. His finger touching the crimson splotch. He looked so guilty at the batch of raw blood. He then pointed to the blood on the floor they were standing on.

"'s your blood, not mine, you did nothing wrong" Remus burried his head in Sirius' shoulder crying lightly. Making a small dot of tears on the already ruined shirt. "I'm here okay? To the moon and back, remember?"

"to the moon and back?" he stuttered into his shoulder.

"yeah moony"


Alice Prewett is a girl in James' year, she was very close with his Lilly and he thought the only way to get to Lilly was through her friends and clearly Dorea was not enough.

He watched as Lilly, Marlene, and Alice giggled at a fountain as they wrote in a misterious book. He aproached them with confidence, Remus was in the hospital wing, and Sirius was right beside his bed. Peter was off studying with some hufflepuff girl. How could he have a better love ;life than the James Potter. It was outrageous. It's not that james couldn't have girls on their knees in moments, pleanty of them would surely date him if he said a single word to them but that didn't matter if he couldn't have Lilly.

Some said he was obssessive but he didn't care. James Potter wanted Lilly Evans more than life itself. he wanted to love her, and her him. He walked towards them and soon was at their feet, he smiled down at them. Not noticing how long he'd been standing there he stared down at the three girls very menacingly.

"um earth to Potter?" Marlene waved her hand in front of his face and he snapped out of it.

"well erm Lilly, I was thinking..if you wanted to-" he paused. This was not him. "Would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me next week on the trip?" he said the last bit with all the confidence in the galaxy he could some how summon.

"sorry Potter, I'm going with the girls" she stood up, so did the other two but he grabbed onto Alice's wrist. Her face flushed and she became flustered, huffing for a moment. 

"well would you like to go with me?"

"ye- no Potter I will not be your second choice." she humphed and turned away to the girls, a bit upset at the words she;d said. She'd had a thing for Potter for the entire year and she just blew it.

"aww come on don't be like that-" he called

"go bother someone else Potter" Marlene shouted throwing up her middle finger

Marlene Mc'kinnon could be quite aggressive when it came to her friends. And it seemed he's upset Alice.

He turned around his face tired, so it drooped. He approached the stairs, where you start the long trip to Hogsmeade, the big ticking clock behind him as he slumped on the cold steps. He heard laughter behind him. He turned ready to shut down whoever's happiness it was but then he saw Dorea next to a boy. A Gryffindor boy. He immedietly burst from his spot on the steps and stood behind her with his hands on her shoulders.

"um James can I help you?" she asked looking up at him.

"who's this?"

"oh this is Frank, I just met him in the gardens, Frank say hello"

"Hi Potter"

"Last name..?" James asked suspiciously

"Longbottom..?" James snorted trying to keep a straight face.

"okay mr. Longbottom what are your intentions with Dorea?" Dorea's entire face turned beat red.

"PRONGS he's just a friend!!"

"yeah no ill will here" he joked as his cheaks blushed a bit

"okay..okay no funny buisness" he eyed Frank disturbingly

"yes Mr. Potter"

James turned around going the other way down the hall and once he'd turned the corner he heard a fit of laughter and Frank giggling how he didn't know what to say.

Stupid kids they're going to get themselves in trouble. He shook his head and smirked walking away to go visit remus.


You all can tell I love middle names

also mauraders content makes my heart go bezurk <3 <3 <3

the wolfstar to tho-

Does it make anyone else upset when people use the wrong form of quite. Like Quiet is being silent or whispering, quite is alright or plenty ugh it just agravates me

also excuse any spelling mistakes i missed today has not been a good typing day

I know it's been a while. But guess what I HAVE ANOTHER IMPENDING DOOM! :D it just gets better and better

I've only been going to in person school 2 days a week and zoom the other days.

Now I have to go 4 days a week with twice more kids

I'm going to be squashed like a bug


anyways I have 9 days to enjoy my life before it becomes living hell

how have your days been?

I really hope you guys have a good rest of your day/night

-Caroline <ps sorry for the re publish I had to correct myself, Sirius' middle name is Orion, I accidentally wrote Regulus' whoops.. thank you to the person who called me out :) have a nice day

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