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"hey Rea..?" a voice came from behind her it had been a few weeks since her first quiditch win and since she became incognito. Dorea turned and saw the redhead who she had met on the train. She was probably a third year like Sirius.

"hey" Rea said quietly, Lilly's face lit up when she spoke.

"Hi! I had a question..?" Lilly said and grabbed Rea's hand. Rea flinched a bit  but she thought it went unnoticed. It hadn't but Lilly decided not to mention it and just slip it into Rea's file in her big brain.

Lilly pulled Rea into an empty hall and smiled.

"is it really Lila playing quiditch?" she asked quietly and Rea stood there a bit in shock.

"I-" realizing it was meaningless to lie she'd already been caught in one "how'd you figure it out?"

"well James, Sirus, Peter, and Remus are always cheering extra loud when a certain someone scores and I've never seen them talk to Lila"

"oh. please don't tell" Rea asked big puppy dog eyes on full display Lilly chuckled a bit.

"why are you hiding it?" She asked but Rea practically froze. She didn't blink for a moment and her breathing paused. Her brain had been torn away from the deliteful topic of quiditch and thrown to the topic of her family.

"I- I need to get to class but it was nice talking to you Lilly" Rea said and tugged on her braid as she walked out. Much to her dismay she just had to run into Malfoy.

"oh look who we have here little miss blood traitor" he scorned

"oh stop it she's a first year Malfoy" A boy she didn't recognize spoke. He had greasy black hair and she realized Lilly spent a lot of time with him. Why was he standing up for her though?

"no this'll be funny" he said laughing. Lucious grabbed her sleeve and pulled her up into his face. She remained innocent and didn't say a thing for a moment as he cussed her out.

"buddy calm down" she spoke softly barely fazed by his words on the outside.

"shut up filth"

"ha call me filth all you want it doesn't mean a thing to me I've been called much worse"

Luscious scoffed and continued cussing at her.

"oh dear Malfoy" she said as if she was worried, he chuckled for a moment before he noticed what she was going on about. "we wouldn't want Cissa hearing about this would we" she said simply.

"you wouldn't" he backed up and she smirked, and grabbed his collar pulling his face in towards her

"oh but I would, don't judge a book by it's cover my dear" and with that she booped his nose and smiled then walked away from them. She then walked into Charms holding her books and acted like nothing happened to say the least she was annoyed could he just ignore her. That'd be great.

"holy shit" A voice came from behind Malfoy

"wow" another came, James and Sirius walked up from the corner of the hallway after eaves dropping over the entire conversation. It wasn't creepy they just happened to be there and heard Luscious cussing someone out, they didn't realize it was Rea though.

"who was schooling you buddy boy?" Sirius asked

"hah more human trash, or are you even human Black?" Luscious smirked and Snape cowered behind him.

"hey there Snivelles" James said smirking

"anyways don't think your dear cousin can just walk all over me, she's in for it now. Good girls don't talk to boys like that" Luscious said and walked away

"that was Puff?" James asked and Sirius just stood there taking it in. it hadn't registered in his brain that that little innocent girl could get mad and it seemed that was just the beggining of her anger. She was always this small girl that was innocent and adorable Sirius never really thought she could have emotions such as anger or hatred. Sirius didn't think she could hate anyone and if she did she kept it to herself.

"I didn't know  she could get mad" James said

"well even the tiniest dragons have a roar" Sirius said still staring at the spot where Malfoy was. Then he burst out laughing t the memory.


"Potter!" A sweet voice called from behind him James whipped around along with Remus, peter, and Sirius.

"hey I can't find Rea I wanted to apoligize, I think I might have asked her a question a bit to personal. Then she walked off but I went to her class and she wasn't there." Lilly explained

"when I went back later she was there though so she didn't skip rather was late. What worries me was she wasn't at dinner" she continued

The mauraders looked at each other then nodded to Lilly she walked off and they pulled out the map relieved to see her in the hufflepuff dorms and Luscious far away from her. Her name moved and left Hufflepuff then went outside near the greenhouses.

They walked outside it was a bit late but they didn't mind. They watched through the glass under a table and saw Rea sitting by herself in one of the greenhouses. They were soundproof though so that was no luck. She was talking to herself or someone else.

Peter tapped the glass on accident and her head shot up they all ran away but she had seen them.

"you know I can see you sillies" she yelled after exiting the greenhouse she had a bright smile.

"we heard you had a bad day" Remus said quietly

"who'd you hear that from?" she asked she shivered a bit it was mid November and nearing Christmas break witch she was dreading. 

"we have our sources so what do you say Puff wanna pull a prank with us?" James asked



I know I know I know it's shorter than usual but it's a double update and I'm staying up to post this so I hope you enjoy.

I have a math test tomorrow so I might not update tomorrow but probably the day after I will.

Have a good night/day


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