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Smiling, Dorea walked out of her room wearing a grey skirt with a white button down top. She approached the stairs then felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned and was faced with the malicious face of Bellatrix. Dorea didn't understand why Bellatrix was home so often, she had a life of her own and a husband.

"shh Bear" she cooed, but Dorea just scowled when she used that name.

"it's Dorea." 

"feisty Bear"

"you do not deserve to call me that" she scowled stepping back, she almost fell down the stairs but Bellatrix caught her by her shoulders.

"and why is that dear?"

"you've betrayed me." she said in a confident whisper, truth stained her words as Bellatrix struggled to take them in. 

She knew she had. But Dorea was a blood traitor, Dorea had betrayed her first, her sunshine was no more. Her Bear was a blood traitor. Her parents words still hung in her head 'do not stand for that filth, do not act as though you love her. You do not you're confused, once you join, all will be clear, once our cause has been claimed all will be peaceful, you just must accept'

But when Bellatrix saw that gruesome gash on her face that night she could not hide her guilt and regret. When Bella had become Bellatrix to Dorea, the small glimpse of hope Bella still held vanished. Bellatrix had betrayed Dorea. That was the truth and no one could hide that fact. No matter how much you 'justify' it and say Dorea commited the first betrayl. It didn't matter.

But Dorea had betrayed Bella that day in September. Dorea had betrayed the family legacy that generations had fought to keep clean. Dorea was the filth. Dorea was the cause she was fighting against. Dorea was just one of the blood traitors that the Blacks would soon enough toss to the side if she could not do as she was told. If she could not marry Regulus her life would be done. Yes they'd disown her but afterward, we'd send a hit man. She knows to many of the Black secrets, it was not safe to have her running about with all that information.

Currently Dorea was scared into dissmisal and the information that swarmed through her little rat brain would not be spewd out of pure terror of what would happen if the contense were to  leak. Dorea was just one of those awful creatures, that were blessed with a chance to become more and threw it away. Dorea was a traitor.

Bellatrix let go of her shoulders and Dorea tumbled down the steep steps, she landed twisted on one of the landings as Bellatrix walked gracefully down the stairs.

"fine then-" she paused as she her feet greated the landing, she kicked Dorea down the second stair case and finished her phrase with such distaste and disgust "blood traitor" Dorea landed on the floor and scrambled up, she had a few bruises on her arms and on her ankles, one rug burn on her elbow and her nose was twisted in a disgusting way.

Bellatrix reached the bottom of the stairs and her heals clanked on the tile floor.

"pity, I thought you might follow in your big sisters steps, despite the small..set back" she spoke and touched Dorea's clearly already broken nose as she walked away, she drug her finger on the twisted cartillage then left.

Dorea called for a house elf and Dolly kindly fixed her nose with a minor healing spell, it did not work fully because she was not a witch or wizard but it stopped the bleeding and cleaned her up. The injury had to be at a certain level to be fixed, meaning she couldn't just get her bruises to disapear without a healing potion.

Dorea walked out the back door and up the small latter. She picked Darling up and carried her until they were out of sight. The two strolled through the woods and heard Newts normal banter about how a certain animal would not keep still for one of his sketches. She approached and Newt smiled.

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