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Rea practiced every day leading up to Sunday. She thought maybe if Narcissa saw how good she was she might consider staying quiet. Sunday finally came and she sat under the stands with the team. 

"alright as you all know today we're playing against Ravenclaw. We need to win so we can move forward this season, last year we fucked up the entire season with a faulty bludger so let's not let that happen again." Smith yelled over the chatter above us.

"Go team" he yelled and everyone walked out to be met with loads and loads of screaming from the puffs. Then we turned to see Gryffindor also cheering. I smirked as I saw Sirius with yellow and black lines under his eyes. The four mauraders cheered for the team, it instantly took my nerves away.

Cissa was sat in the Slytherin stands, she looked conflicted which was understandable. Rea was relieved when she saw Lucious Malfoy not sitting in the stands.

"clean game alright?" Madam Prince yelled and we nodded the Ravenclaws shot up and so did we. And so the game begins...

Fin (another chaser) tossed me the quaffle and I scored. Fin had distracted him by flying around his head as I shot.

After about an hour of playing Josh O'connel caught the snitch he is our hufflepuff seeker. Two stands went crazy. Can you guess which? If you guessed Hufflepuff and Gryffindor you are correct.


Rea walked out of the locker room and off the field, she was exhausted. She ept her head down a bit not cause she was sad she just did that a lot to make sure she didn't trip. She ended up ramming full force into something, or rather someone.

"Rea!!" Sirius said unfazed by her clumsiness, he had known her long enough to know it just was a regualr thing. She smiled a bit laughing at herself and stood up. 

"You played amazing!" James said from somewhere behind Sirius

"Yeah you scored 45 points! You're telling me this was your first game?" Sirius continued

"yep" Rea nodded she shifted a bit wanting to know Cissy's answer. Sirius noticed and asked

"waiting for something Puff?"

"yeah well no. possibly" she said, she didn't want him to be worried about her parents so she couldn't tell him that her entire quiditch life could end in a few moments along with her home life and school life and her life in just general.

"you're adorable" Remus said laughing a bit


"you're such an awful liar Puff" James continued

"guess it's not a bad thing" Sirius continued for James. Rea wasn't actually the worst liar but she deffinetly didn't like lying to Sirius which made her a bit jumpy.

"anyway what are you waiting for?" Peter asked

"uh bye guys!" Puff yelled and made a b-line for the great hall. Leaving the four very confused mauraders to talk amongst themselves.

Rea walked straight to Narcissa grabbed her hand and dragged her to an empty hallway.

"ok you saw me play, do you have an answer"


"Cissy I will..." she thought a moment "I will ..uh oh I will get you chocolate frogs from honeydukes"

"rea I don't care about that, I just want to ask, how do you plan to keep this a secret seeing as our family knows a lot of people inside the school."

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