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Dorea walked around the castle secretly staring intently at the map. She saw Dumbledore approaching and quickly hid the map.

"Dorea dear!" he said walking towards the young girl.


"you played wonderously on Sunday" he smiled the twinkle in his eye shining bright

"thank you sir" she beamed

"I was wondering if you could help me with something?" he said more than asked

"of course what is it?"

"well follow me" He walked down the corridor, the little puff hurried behind him. They walked past McGonagles office and when she looked up, due to the sound of their feet she just watched quietly. Almost as if sorry for the girl and happy for her at the same moment.

The two then walked into a pitch black corridor.

"what do you see miss Black?"


"yes but what is in the darkness?" he asked expentantly

"heaviness" she responded not moving

"what makes it heavy?"

"the air, the air it's stiff not crisp. "


"I suppose one could interrpret this differently, they could think of it as peaceful, ignoring the stiff air. They could find the deep black as comforting. I do not."

"why do you not find it comforting Dorea?"

"it-" at that very moment Dorea shut the hell up. The door swung open and Slughorn called for Dumbledore through the darkness. She heard Dumbledores foot steps and right before he shut the door behind him he peeked his head through as if waiting for Dorea to emerge. When she did not he winked and left.

Dorea stood in the dark for many moments. Trying to find why she did not find it comforting. Why she did not like the pitch, why she became anxious the second they came in. Why her voice began to wobble and her heart sped up. Why did the deep blackness scare her. Why did this random room feel as if it were full of nothing and everything at the same time.

This room felt as if it had the heaviness of a giant weighing on it's very walls but at the same time it was filled with bubbles and feathers. This very room was filled with freezing water and clouds. It did not feel like the rest of the castle, it felt broken off as if the moment she stepped foot in the room it had simply flown away; to a new demesion no one had ever gone to except Dorea Black.

A squeak seemed to echo through the walls, a squeak so quiet and so loud it could fill a room and shrink through a noodle at the same time. Dorea walked aimlessly toward it and through the room. The atmosphere growing lighter with every step. She couldn't see in here. She couldn't see if someone was hiding in a corner ready to slaughter her very guts. But she kept walking.

Kept walking into the abyss of nothingness. Another squeak echoed and she no longer thought it was the floor boards.

 Another squeak she crouched noticing the closeness of the squeak. She sat down stretching out and felt something brush beside her leg. She breathed in quickly but then felt it rubbing against her back, and around to her other leg. It curled up in between her legs and she touched it's back. It's fur brushing softly against her fingertips.

"hello there" she whispered and the creature purred. The creature stretched against her legs and then rested it's head on her knee. "hello my darling" she whispered once more. It nuzzled into her knee. "yeah do you like that?" she cooed "do you like Darling?" and it nuzzled into her knee more.

Dorea heard a bell sound and she jumped a bit. Darling cuddled into her and Dorea carefully picked her up. She cautiously made her way to the door, worried about her little darling. It had been in the dark, she didn't know how long.

The heaviness of the room seemed less heavy having the small animal wrapped in her arms. The pitch black of the corridor feeling somehow brighter when Darling was present in her arms.

It cuddled into her arms as she opened the door and her eyes adjusted to the light. The little creature turned out to be a calico skinny cat, it's eyes yellow and bright. It was wearing a sort of bow. Dorea twisted the bow to see the tag.

'Dorea Black there is always light  you just have to open the blinds' Dorea read it over and over. This little cat was hers, Darling was hers. Dorea ran her fingers over the small cat and smiled down at it. Then she thought of the message.

 'There is always light, you just have to open the blinds' Dumbledore would never know how big of a difference those few words made on the fragile girl, who was cautious of every step she took. Those small words in his handwriting opened an entire gateway of new thoughts. Thoughts of love and kindness.

Dorea would never look at her family the same way. When she read those words she realized she'd justified what her sister and parents did, she'd justified what her family does and their beliefs. She'd defended people who believed that the family you were born into decides if you get to live or not, if you get to breathe the same air or be treated with respect.

Everyone deserves to be treated with kindness and respect. No matter the shade  of your skin. No matter the blood that runs through your veins. No matter the money your family possesses.

Everyone should be treated as equal, because when it comes down to it we all are just humans trying to make it out here. We are more alike than we are different and she'd stood by people who'd thought that people who were born into the wrong family were to be treated as dirt.

Right then she knew she had already chosen her side. She was done pretending that her sister hadn't done what she'd done. She was done trying to justify it to save the relationship because in all truth there was no relationship in the first place. Just lies built up to hold back the truth.

No one would ever treat her that way again.

They wouldn't even be able to get into her skin.

Because why should she shed tears on murderers.

Why should she even waste her time trying to impress her family any more?

After all the blood that lies on their hands why should she?

She is thousands of times better than those murderers, they don't deserve her paitence. 

They don't deserve her silence.

They don't deserve her love.

Not anymore.

They never even did.


Thank you all for 1k reads

I love each one of you

I know short update today but hopefully I'll update tomorrow

I watched Captain America today, and Iron man 1 and 2.

I know I'm late but you gotta start somewhere right?

I hope you have a good night/day


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