Chapter 26: PAAHS Winter 2012 Dance Recital

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The moment has come. It is finally the Winter 2012 PAAHS Dance Recital. For all the dance students, we get the privilege to miss all your classes and stay in the theatre all day to rehears. It seems relaxing and fun, but we are in for lots of sweat and earfuls from Ms.Chantel and the other dance teachers.

Sitting in the theatre seats, Kayla, Megan, and I watched as tap students rehearsed. Their feet moved in sync to each beat and the click clacks from their special shoes filled the theatre.

"So, did you tell your parents about the necklace." Megan inquired.

"Yeah. I told them I found it on the floor broken in the theatre. My dad said he'd try and get it fixed for me."

"Good! I'm glad it's getting fixed! Your mom is probably so happy that its back in your hands."

"Yep." I paused glancing up towards heaven."I bet she is."

"Are you gonna get Scarlett back for taking your necklace?" Asked Kayla.

"Hell yeah!! If anybody thinks they are gonna get away with taking then breaking something so dear to me, you got another thing coming."

"How are you gonna get her back?"

"You'll see... EVERYONE will see." I gave a spontaneous wink to keep the suspicion and walked 10 rows down to Mrs.Chantel who had been taking a break. I lightly tapped on her shoulder to get her attention.

"Yes Chanel?"

"May I go back to the locker room to get my water?"

"Yeah be back in 3 minutes." Great I only had 3 minutes to do my damage.

"Ok." I ran away from her and out the theater's side door. I made my way inside the locker room and double checked no one was in there. I went to my locker, opened it and got my water, a paper clip, and the bag. I left my locker open so I could quickly put away my things when I got back. I ran across room and went to the aisle Scarlett's was in and searched for her locker 321 B. "321 B...321 B...321 B...ah ha!" She was about to learn she wasn't the only one who can pick locks.

I bent the paper clip to the perfect shape to stick into the back of the lock. Within seconds, I heard a click and ripped the lock off the locker. I opened it up and everything was neatly placed on each of her shelfs. On each shelf, she had a planned out outfit for hip-hop and contemporary class for each day. I went to the very top shelf that had her performance outfits. I only knew that it was her shelf for her performance costumes not only because her contemporary outfit was white and sparkled the hell outta my eyes, but because she labels each shelf and that one said "Performance Costumes". This just made my job easier. I did my damage and made sure everything was back into place. I closed the locker and locked it and went back to my locker and put away my materials. I made sure I had my water to make the story believable and closed my locker. I ran out the locker room back to the theatre within the 3 minutes I had to complete my task.

Those 3 minutes would change everything.


We're coming down to home stretch guys!! About 3 more chapters till the end! Comment, vote, fan! Happy New Years to everyone! And thanks for getting me to 400 before my wattpad birthday tomorrow! So don't forget to wish me happy wattpad birthday! I'll love you forever! But thanks for being such great fans for a whole year! I never thought I'd come this far writing so thank you! #staymindless 1-4-3 -Ash

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