Chapter Four

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**Christians POV**

"I love you too, Christian" she whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine. She kissed my cheek which left my cheek tingling. I really do love her. Not just as a friend, or even a best friend, I LOVE her. She has the most amazing blue eyes, and blonde hair. And not to mention her smile, which is absoloutly gorgeous, and her adoreable giggle. She has such a bubbly personality and weve been friends since we met when we were five years old. She is the most beautiful person I have ever laid my eyes on. And I really really like her. But I don't think she loves me in the same way. And I don't want to risk telling her that when I say I love her, it's more than just in a friendly way, invade it ruins our friendship. Ruin this is the last thing I want to do. I'm just going to have to bury these feelings and hope the font resurface again. She's my best friend. And we can't be anything more than that. I'll just have to accept that.

She jumped off my back and swam around to face me. She looked puzzled when she looked at me.

"What's up babe?" She asked looking into my eyes. I stared back into hers and saw a mix of confusion and concern. That's another thing I love about her, she cares about people.

"Oh nothing, just thinking" I smiled to her.

"Thinking about what? It was something quite important to you.. I know that look Christian.." She said not dropping it.

"It was nothing Lani, it's fine" I said trying to sound convincing.

"Okay..." She sighed.

"Look Lan, I'd tell you if I could, but I'm not ready to yet. I promise I will when I'm ready to" I said sympathetically.

"Okay babe, you know you can talk to me about anything" she said smiling sweetly before giving me a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"Thanks Lani" I said smiling at her. Wow that was close. I really need to get rid of these feeling before she finds out. Pull yourself together Christian.

**Lani's POV**

After seeing Christian so confused, and deep in thought, and so many mixed emotions I was really curious as to what he was thinking about. I knew it was important. He can't hide things like that from me. I know him too well. I really want to know what it was that was bugging him so much. But he isn't ready to tell me and I don't want to force him into telling me. I hope everything's ok though. I really do care about him. He is my best friend and I may even like him, more than a friend. Possibly love him. But it won't work. It might ruin everything and he probably doesn't feel the same. Hmmm.

Sorry about the super short chapter! The next one is longer :) Thanks for reading lovelies xx

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