Stuck On You - Cale Makar

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Summary: What started as a friendship between you and Cale takes a turn during one of the best summer vacations of your life - a week in a campsite with your new friends from Colorado.

Summer. Summer held something you couldn't quite place. Maybe it was the road trips with music blasting from your car's speakers, or the endless nights spent drinking cheap beers with strangers while sitting on docks. Maybe it was the seasonal loves, the ones you'd talk about with your friends after coming home, or maybe it was the memories.

Summer had always been something you had never missed, no matter how hard school got, or how good your job paid people to stay during the hottest months of the year; and, in Colorado, it wasn't any different.

You were gasping for breath when you finally reached the perfect spot for camping, your backpack heavy on your shoulders as your friends walked past you. The excited giggles that left their lips joined the sound of birds chirping as they pushed their own belongings on the ground.

"Oh my God," Johanna laughed, Andre's arm wrapped around her shoulders as she looked around the empty side of the forest your getaway was going to take place in. "This place is beautiful,"

"It is," Sydney said from beside her, eyes cast on her bag as she started to take some stuff out.

You were still taking the beautiful view in, a smile on your lips as you realized that summer was finally starting. A new summer, you thought, with new friends and a new spot.

"Y/N, just come here already!" Andre yelled from the distance, pushing you out of your trance. "Your tent is not gonna build itself,"

"I'm coming," you giggled, jokingly rolling your eyes your friend's way as you pushed your backpack down your shoulders, looking around for an empty space for yourself.

"I'm here-"

The breathless words were mumbled behind you, making you turn around quickly to find a flushed face. Cale's cheeks were their usual dark shade of red, sweat lining his forehead as he tried to gain back his breathing.

"Oh- hi, Cale," you smiled, heart fluttering when your eyes met his face. "You doing okay?"

"I was a little late," he mumbled, waving JT's way before his eyes gently settled on you. It seemed like he had realized you were there in front of him just then, his body tensing as a small smile formed on his lips. "Hi, Y/N,"

"Oh my God," Nate huffed. "I'll literally let the two of you sleep with the bears if you don't start with the tents,"

"Fine, fine. You guys are annoying as hell," you mumbled, brushing past him to reach one of the last two empty spots, throwing the bag that held your tent on the ground. The paper that slipped out of the opened zipper was filled with instructions, the words so small you almost struggled to read through them. If it wasn't already difficult enough, the drawings explaining how to set up the tent weren't helping, either.

You were just starting to understand something when your friends' loud laughter filled your ears, along with the sound of bottles of beer being opened. You laughed to yourself, taking one of the many thin poles in your hands as you tried to figure out where it was supposed to go, one of your palms burying itself in your hair.

You had never been the greatest at building things, and you weren't surprised when you grew close to calling one of the guys and ask for their help. Their tents had been built in less than half an hour, helping you prop up yours wasn't going to be too difficult. Right?

"Here, give it to me. I'll help you," the familiar voice snapped you out of your thoughts, as deep as you remembered it to be. Cale was standing beside you, arms folded over his chest as he gave your work a quick look, a teasing smirk on his lips. "Never been camping?"

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