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Narartors POV

Y/N woke up with the sun rays shyly crawling into the room. Taking in a deep breath while opening her eyes. She looked around to find her self in a hotel room, she could hear the hum of the traffic outside with the low hum of the AC in the background. Sitting up she winced from the soreness and new scars. Rubbing her blurry eyes she looked around again to see Killua sitting in the chair across the room. Y/N smiled at his sleeping body resting peacefully.

Getting up and walking to the bathroom she quietly closed the door trying not to wake Killua. As she closed the door she looked in the mirror. Only to find that she was a mess. Her hair was extra and frizzy, there was dirt on her face. Y/N sighed as she turned on her water faucet splashing the water on her face. Without opening her eyes she patted the wall reaching for the towel that hanged from the hook. Patting her face dry she looked in the mirror, Y/N wasn't one for makeup. She knew she didn't need it because she was perfect just as she was. Trying to comb her tangled hair with her finger, but only to fail. "Great I now have a lions mane." Frowning at her hair before she walked out the bathroom she saw Killua leaning against the window. Immediately feeling her nerves bundle up when he turned his head to her {because of her thinking she looked like a lion}.

"Good morning." He said with the voice that made her heart melt.
" Hey." Y/N replied slowly walking to the other side of the widow leaning against it.
"Did you sleep well?"
"Yeah, did you?"
"Yup felt better with you in the room though." Killua said looking out the window once more.

A faint blush rose to her cheeks as the words rolled off his tounge. She looked at KIllua slighlty tilting her head to one side. "He has really nice musecls.", Y/N thought, her eyes trailed up to his face his jaw line completing his features.
"The other are waiting downstairs.We are going to get lunch. Wanna come?" Killua said looking back at her.


You sat in a small cafe shop munching on a brownie while Killua sat next to you; closely.
Kurapika made a joke whictch was actully pretty amusing. You laughed leaning to your side and so was Killua. Both of your skin brushed against each other, quickly you moved away cursing your self.
As the conversation moved on you felt a hand slip on her knee. You stiffened.

You looked out the corner of your eye tracing the hand back to Killua.
Killua squeezed your knee making you stop breathing for a moment.
But just as soon as you were able to think straight you grabbed you drink sipping acting normal as your hand slipped onto his. Your fingers going his palm.

The two of you stayed like this the whole time occasionally giving the other hand a small squeeze . Killua would also run his thumb over her index finger.

After lunch sadly their hands had to separate. Your hand felt cold; longing his warmth.

The 5 had walked around the city. Laughing and enjoying each other presence. Just as the sun set they reached the hotel. Every boy going into their room leaving you with the one you had woke up in.

The other 3 boys went to the room leaving you and Killua alone.

" You have really soft hands." Killua started.
"Nice conversation starter." You said laughing.
"Oi! Don't laugh at me! I don't know how to do these type of things.."
"Well thank you for complementing my soft hands. But I'm really tired."
Killua sighed frowning disappointed you were leaving.

"Well goodnight beautiful." Killua said leaving you blushing and smiling like an idiot.

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