Chapter 19

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I had gotten up with Devon this morning. He decided he was working til noon and then would come be with me so when Thad got here around two he would be home. I cleaned the whole house from top to bottom and started a roasted chicken with some left over veggies I had picked the other day and potatoes. I had it on low so it would cook slow but still be done by dinner or super time. Then I made pizza bagels for lunch and some homemade raspberry tea. Hammy was running around playing in the kitchen while I did all the cooking. I decided to make finger sandwiches and some sweets for when Thad showed up. Nana yelled at me but Andy pulled her out of the kitchen telling her that I needed to do this or I would go nuts.

At noon everyone came in to eat. The food was gone and so was the workers by one. Devon went up to shower and change while I cleaned up. I needed to get changed myself so I headed up to join him when I was finished. Unfortunately he was out of the shower before I got up there so I jumped in really quick and found him in our room when I went to get dressed.

"Calm down baby, he isn't anyone to get yourself worked up over." He said. Is he kidding? Thad is my sperm donor. I need to show this assmunch that he fucked up and left a good kid behind. I am the best of the best bitches. Fuck you and the whore you rode in on for leaving me asshole.

"I will calm down when he leaves. And you are going to make sure of it." I said deciding kissing him was way better then freaking out right now. 

"Get dressed it's almost two." He said turning my hard on to a mush and making my nerves jump up ten fold.

"Thanks, I needed that." I said sarcastically. 

"I know you did. And now I will leave you to get ready." He said with a wink.

I got dressed in a pair of my nice skinny's and a button up shirt that brought out the color of my eyes. I found my favorite chucks and made sure my hair was perfect before adding just enough smell goods. When I got downstairs Devon and Nana were already talking to someone so I went to the kitchen and started getting a tray ready. I knew it was him they were talking to but I figure he could wait while I did what I needed to. I waited for him for years but he never came back. Okay so I didn't really wait but that is besides the point.

I took a deep breath and calmed myself before entering the den. I didn't say anything I just walked in and placed the tray with all the food and drinks on the coffee table and took a seat next to Devon and across from Thad.

"Sorry for the wait, I brought in some snacks and some raspberry tea." I said pointing to the food.

"Thanks, Brayden." Nana said smiling at me.

"Yeah, this looks really good." Thad said pouring himself some tea and taking a couple of the finger sandwiches.

"So now that we all have refreshments shall we get this started. Hello, my name is Brayden Mathews." I said holding my hand out to Thad.

"I know who you are boy. I am your father." Thad said.

"Do you know who I am? Because I sure as hell don't know you. We maybe blood related but you are a stranger to me. If my Nana hadn't told me who you were I wouldn't have known if we would have met on the streets." I said honestly.

"Well I guess you are right. I really don't know you." He said looking a little ill. I promise I didn't poison him. I didn't.

"I am not trying to be an ass or anything....

"Watch your tongue boy." He snapped.

"Okay, For one, I might be your son but you gave up the right as my father the day you walked out the door. And for two, I will talk how ever I feel." I said. "As I was saying, I am not trying to be an ass but YOU don't know me so please don't try to act like you do or that you have any say over me. I am 18 so you don't have to worry about me." I said making sure he go my point.

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