Chapter 6

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Justin's POV

Why are we even here, I sit here 'listening' to them talk. Lu keeps chatting with... Matt? i can't remember his name.
"Rosemary darling" I hear the mom say.

no response.

"Rosemary?" She calls again her eyebrows coming together, now I know where she gets that look from.

Still no response.

"Rosemary!" Her dad calls
"Yes pa" She says coming around the corner. What was she doing?
"Can you get some firewood please?"
She nods then leaves out the back.

"I'll go help" I say following.
Her mom beams at me, gross.

I see her small frame against walking towards one of the sheds, I follow behind her when I finally catch up to her she jumps. Did she not hear me?

"Justin?" She whispers timidly.
I smile which she can't see, finally some timid reaction yet for some reason it made me frown right after.
Hahaha whatever... just apologize so you can go back home.

"Rosemary." I say still holding her shoulder, I feel her relax. She's so tiny my hand takes up basically her whole shoulder, my 6'1 height against her 5'3 height really does make a difference along with how skinny is, well from what I can tell from her dress.
How does she live like this? It looks like it's going to crush her.

"Do you need any help?" I ask
"Umm if you want, you don't have to." she says I feel a gust of wind from her turning away from me. Lavender?
she smells like lavender? They don't use perfume though.
Maybe soap? anyway...

"I can help. It can also go towards my apology for how I been treating you."

I feel her hair whip by my face, along with the scent of Lavender again, i didn't notice this before why am i now?

Maybe because she wasn't this close dumbass! MOVE!

I take a step back. "Is that why y'all stopped by?"

"They wanted to meet Lu's new friend, she never has any & welcome y'all to town, this was just a added bonus" I say chuckling.
"Oh well i appreciate y'all coming by we haven't gotten any visitors! & I accept your apology" she says cheery.

Still a freak

"Here let's go" We carry wood back to the house, when we get closer to the house I see how she's carrying eight blanks of wood. what the fuck?

She sets it into the fire while our parents continue talking. Dad looks at me with a knowing look, I give him a thumbs up, he smiles.
I've disappointed him a lot I know I have.

"Well the kids do have school tomorrow, so I believe we should call it a night, we really appreciate & enjoyed having y'all over, please stop by again anytime." Her dad said standing up.
"Darlings say goodnight then head up to bed." Her mom said
Rosemary & her brother both stand up saying goodnight to my parents , Matt says bye to Lu then me, Rosemary hugs Lu then stands in front of me, the glow from the fire & candles great a glow around her making her look... pretty. SNAP. OUT . OF . IT

"Goodnight Justin" She says with a smile.
"Night Rosemary" I say back with a smirk.
She turns & goes up the stairs, her parents walk us out, "Lu dear, thank you for helping out Rose" She turns to look at me "I hope y'all are can become really good friends" She says with a smile. I remember Dad saying something about her being sick, her pale skin & sunken cheekbones really makes her look like she is, she looks really tired but she still smiles & everything.
"Yes ma'am!" Lu says happily.
Damn why you so cheery!?

We all walk to our car, I turn & look back at her house, to see the window on the top floor, candle blow out.
This is just the beginning Rosemary.. just you wait.

Rosemary's POV

I say goodnight to Justin & go upstairs, it was actually nice to have friends in this weird new place. I change into my night gown & blow out my candle.. falling asleep as I hear the car pull out of the drive way.

I wake up to the roster crowing. Just like back home.. this is home now.

I get dressed in a white blouse with long sleeves , a long brown, black stockings & my boots plus a straw hat. i look in my mirror & brush my hair, before pulling it into a tight bun. I grab my bonnet then head downstairs.

"Let's go darling, it's time for me to go to the doctor" already?

We load up in our wagon that doesn't have a cover on it, Ma & Pa in the front.
Please let her be okay.

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