Chapter 2

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I'm walking through town, with my buddies Mason and Carter. My leather jacket keeping me cool against the cool September weather. My gelled back black hair combed back neatly, my icy blue eyes shielded by my dark old- school sunglasses.
" hey man , what's everyone looking at? " Carter says taking off his sunglasses & running his hand through his blonde hair. I stop , turning to where everyone is looking. "what is that?" Mason whispers .
I see the horses then a white covered wagon, followed by another. "It's a wagon" i answer still looking at it . A young man & women slowly make their way towards us, not acknowledging the stares & whispers. Then a younger man probably my age with a young girl pass us next, they look identical green eyes and blonde hair , i would say almost like twins if you couldn't tell the girl was more child - like. "What's this?" Mason half laughs "Looks like some new people in town boys!!" laughing. But i wasn't laughing i was to busy looking at the girl getting closer, she looks around pushing her messy braid out of her face, her dress reaching her ankles a shawl wrapped around her shoulders. Her eyes finally land on me, a small smile plays on her lips, before they finally pass .
"More like freaks." I whisper .

Finally we stop at the edge of the neighborhood, in front of a pretty good size house. You could tell it's white yet has chipped away due to age showing the light wood underneath, has some big windows, clearly two stories, looked more comfortable then the small cabin we used to call home, a brown barn in the back and a smaller shead, probably for storage.
I jump off the wagon , not waiting for my brother to help me down, i hate it when he does that. Walking towards the house. "I love it!"
I say getting closer to it . "y'all will get your own rooms, no more having to share a loft" my mother says with a smile across her face , walking towards me. I turn towards , Matt, we always shared a loft together back home. "Are you serious?" Matt asks looking at Father. "yes son, we have plenty  of room here."
We get everything into the house and ready. As soon as my head hits my tiny pillow sleep takes me .


"ROSEMARY!! You know you have to get up!" i hear my mother yell. I groan and get up. "Coming Mother" I call running down stairs. My Father & Brother sitting at the table, my mother cooking "You act like you are new at this sis, you're used to getting up when the roaster crows" My brother annoying tells me while eating his eggs.
"Hush boy!" my father tells him not even looking at him. Mason rolls his eyes, i stick my tongue out at him "Rosemary darling be a lady" my mother says placing a plate in front of me then sitting in front of me. "How you feeling ma?" I ask taking a bite of my toast. "Just tired, we go to the doctor in a few days."
"Speaking of which, when y'all get back, we are going to go get some livestock like we had before" my father says sipping his coffee . We had to sell our animals to pay for my mother's doctor, luckily the doctor was very understanding of our lifestyle & isn't making us pay much but we have to have them to survive.
" Now go get ready for school my loves " Mother says . Mason and I run upstairs i wear my blue floral dress that goes to my ankles, white stockings, my ankle boots & I tie the front of my hair up out of my face leaving it down in it's lovely waves adding two blue ribbons.
" ROSE! Come on!" Mason calls i run downstairs " Don't rush me! " My mother and father smiles "Y'all know how to behave, look out for each other" My father tells us mostly looking at my brother. "Don't worry pa" Mason says with a smile. Mom smiles at me , smoothing my hair "Don't worry about what others say, they just don't understand but they will. Have fun darling" she says kissing my forehead.
Then we make the short walk to school in the middle of town.
Mason & I stand outside looking at the building, "wow i never imagined" Mason whispers "We got this, just pretend it's like the one back home" I say still looking at the building in front of us. "We won't be in the same classes like we were before"
"that's okay, this isn't like it was. Don't fight anyone" i say looking at him with a smirk . "Looks whose talking" , "Hey she punched me first! " I got into one fight back home, Mason many, Pa always having to come get him from the school, mad as a bull , having Mason do extra work in the fields, pa knows he gets his anger from him so he stays harder on him then me knowing i'm gentle like my mother.
" Let's go! " I say walking towards the school. No one was in the hallway when we get there probably in class, Finally we found the office. "Hello i'm Rosemary Martin & this is my brother Mason we are new." I say to the middle age women behind the desk , she finally glances at me through her glasses "OH honey! yes! Here is y'all's schedule & a map of the school!! Y'all will have to wait till second period since first is almost over " she says with a smile . we walk into the hallways & look at our classes & maps "Okay i have history first" I say glancing at the paper in front of me. "Math for me"
"What about second? since that's where we going" i say looking at my map.
" Ag? what is that?" i have no idea "I have science" we part ways going towards our class, the bell rings scaring me. The hallway floods with people, giving me questioning looks. I turn around starting to feel overwhelmed & accidentally run into someone . "Oh i'm sorry i didn't see you! "
i say smoothing my dress, i look up to see a girl my age with to much stuff on her face & not enough clothing, her face looks at me in disgust, "You should really upgrade your fashion sense" excuse me? "pardon?"
" Who are you anyway? "
"I'm Rosemary Martin. " i say with a smile.
" Ew just so old fashioned."
"Excuse me?"
"Listen here newbie, stay out of my way. I rule this school" She says stepping closer to me her heals clicking against the floor.
This girl has issues, "Can you just show me where science is? & i'll be on my way." i ask clearly trying to keep my calm.
She just rolls her eyes, scoffs at me flipping her long red curly hair & walks away her to friends following close behind her.
"You're the new girl." I turn around to see a girl standing in front of me. Her black straight here going to her shoulders, her icu blue eyes drilling holes in my face, her black and red clothes give off , what i heard people say , a rebel feeling.

" Yes i am."


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