Chapter 4

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Justin's POV
I walk down the hall way, my boys behind me hearing whispers about the new boy & girl. "Why haven't we seen the newbies yet?" Mason asked
"No telling" I grumble getting tired of this being the talk of the town.
"Well well well, your prayers have been answered Mason" Carter said with a smirk.
I look over to where he was pointing & saw Lu hugging someone, then i saw the dress & blonde hair. what the fuck??
I walk up to my sister & clear my throat, breaking up the cute moment.
"What do you want Justin?" my 'precious' little sister says rolling her eyes.

"Wondering who your new friend is" I say with a fake smile.
The girl finally looks at me from behind Lu. Her green eyes look me over, like she's studying me.

What's with this girl?
She smiles, "Hello I'm Rosemary" she says extending her hand. Does she really think I'm going to do that?
I scoff.
"Hello I'm Carter" Carter says reaching around me taking her hand shaking it. seriously? I look at him out of the corner of my eye.
"Nice to meet you."
"I'm Mason" Mason says running his fingers through his brown hair.
"Hello" She whispers.

I look at her, she doesn't seem intimidated around me, a lot of people are. She so child-like, too pure, too out of place. She looks into my eyes, like she's waiting for me to say something.
"Lu why are you hanging with the freaks?" I say with a chuckle.
Rosemary's eyes go wide but she doesn't say anything, her lips pull into a slight frown then a straight line.
"Justin!" Lu says through gritted teeth.
"No Lu it's okay, you know from my point of view, y'all are a bunch of freaks but you don't see me judging you" She says calmly
I look at her kinda taken back, I actually expected her to cry or something not be kind yet a smart ass.
"Look, umm Rosemary right? You're new here & obviously not up to date with the times. I run this place, & this town so stay away from me & stay away from my sister." stepping closer to her.
"Dude" Mason whispers.
"JUSTIN!" Lu yells.
Rosemary closers her eyes taking a deep breath then opens them again looking at me in the eyes her green orbs a shade darker. This girl is odd.
"Thank you for helping me Lu" She says looking my sister then back at the boys "Nice meeting y'all I need to get to class." She says walking away.
I watch her disappear around the corner then laugh to myself, I turn back around & is met with my angry sister, it's scary how much we look alike . "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" she yells.
"You don't need to hang out with people like them Lu"
"You have no right to tell me who to hang with, you are not mom nor dad, & once they hear about this they will not be happy."

"They aren't like us Lu."
"Just because she comes from a different lifestyle then us doesn't make her a terrible person, our parents taught us that, you let the money & all the free passes go to your head." She splits at me walking away after Rosemary.

I scoff walking to my next class , in silence.

Rosemary's POV

The day seems to go by forever, finally it's lunch. I wait for Matt hoping the crowd will disappear.
"Hey Matt."
"Hey sis" He says walking up.


The place was as loud as a festival, We walk along the rows of tables not paying attention to the whispers & looks.
"Do people not have anything better to do?" My brother whispers too me.
"Clearly not, remember what mom said" I laugh slightly whispering back.
"I know, I know" He replies rolling his eyes.
We get into line & get lunch, sitting at an empty table in the corner. We & Matt ate while talking about our classes. Then I hear someone sit beside me, I turn to see Lu sitting here a smile on her face.
"Hey Lu." I say with a tight smile, still remembering what her brother said.
"Don't listen to my brother. He's just how he is. The money went to his head"
"It's alright."
"I think you're pretty cool. we good?"
I look at her then my brother, he just nodded I look back at her "Of course"
She hugs me & digs into her food.
"Lu this is Matt my brother, Matt this is Lu."
"Hello nice to meet you." Matt says reaching his hand over to shake.
She smiles, a slight brush crosses her cheeks "Like-wise" shaking his hand.

What was that?

We continue to eat & chat, then i feel something hit me in the forehead.

What was that? I rub my forehead looking down a french fry?
I ignore it, then i get hit again, just ignore it, then again. Okay this is ridiculous!! getting really irritated. Lu looks at me confused, then at Matt who is doing the same thing.
"Someone is throwing french fries!" Lu says swallowing her food.
I look around around the café then I'm met with a pair of piercing blue eyes. Justin

Matthew gets hit this time & the whole table laughs. Why?
I turn my attention to the curly red head on Justin's lap. Of course they are together. She gives me a evil smirk & whispers something into his ear which causes him to smile. Disgusting.
My parents have always been really affectionate, even though my ma is sick their love for each other still radiates off them, but something about seeing them together makes me wanna throw up.

"Does he ever stop?" Matt says his jaw clenched.
Lu looks over at the table & flips off her brother which gets a eye-roll in response.
finally the bell rings.


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