Chapter 3

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"I'm Rosemary Martin" I say after a few minutes of staring at each other, aren't we supposed to be in class by now?
" Lu Scott " she says with a smirk on her face.
"I'm just trying to get to science"
She looks at me up & down , then let's out a chuckle , "follow me"
We finally enter a room near the end of the hall. "Miss Scott you are late!" a loud voice says as we enter, "Sorry Mr.Fleming i was told to help the newbie here had to track her down"
His attention finally focuses on me "Oh yes! hello i'm Mr. Fleming , it's Martin isn't it? "
"Yes Rosemary Martin sir"
I hear some laughs coming from around the room , but i keep a smile on my face.
" You can sit with Lu "
I follow Lu, to the back of the class, trying to understand what he was talking about. Their schooling is much for advance then what we learned back at my old school. "Umm excuse me Lu, i don't really understand what's going on..."
"It's anatomy , the study of the body."
"I never learned anything really about it at my old school" i whisper . She laughs like REALLY LOUD, causing everyone to look at us . "That's hilarious!" she says wiping tears from her eyes. "I'm being serious" I whisper at her trying to get her to be quiet  so people would stop staring at us. She finally stops laughing & looks at me. "Oh"
I just look at my desk the whole time after that not wanting to see the glares of everyone around the room. Maybe this is going to be harder then i thought...

The bell rings everyone packs up their bags & hurries out of the room. "Thank you Mr. Fleming, i'll try my best to keep up" i say as i pass him being the last one out. "Don't worry about anything Miss Martin i know things are way different here then way you are used to." He says putting up papers on his desk , i nod with a tight smile.
I walk out of the classroom looking back down at my schedule & map. Seriously Math? i hate that subject! I suddenly hear my name getting called , i turn & see, Lu, running towards me. "Rosemary wait! i'm sorry! i didn't know" she said once she reaches me.
"I know my lifestyle is different, but i'll never change myself to fit in here"
"you don't need to change yourself, different is good."
I was shocked by her statement, I was never around people who weren't amish but i can already tell these people will do anything to fit in .
"We good?" she asks with a bright smile.
"Yes Lu." I say fixing my hair .
"Yay!" she says wrapping her arms around my neck hugging me. I hear someone clearing their throat , Lu let's go of me & turns around , she huffs in annoyance.
"What do you want Justin? "


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