Chapter 15 : Saying Goodbye and Good News

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Chapter 15 : Saying Goodbye and Good News

Ariana's POV

I was now at the lads house... Eleanor, Sarah and Me were here to say goodbye to them since we can't go to the airport. Perrie is now on tour with her band so she can't be here right now.. Last week, me and Harry spent the whole week together.. We would go to the beach or just watch movies... And I can't believe he's leaving me for 3 weeks...

"Hey.." I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist.. I knew exactly who it was

"Hey.." I said

"You okay?" He asked while he placed his chin on my shoulder

"I'm fine." I said

"Sure?" He asked me

"Yeah Harry.. I'm sure." I said and faced him and smiled

"Okay... I'm gonna miss you.." He said

"I'm gonna miss you too..." I said and hugged him... We hugged for a very long time until Zayn came

"Can I have a hug? I'm gonna miss my lil sister.." He said

"Of course you do!" I said and hugged him

"Take care of yourself.." He said

"Whatever Zayn.. Besides I have Sarah and El!" I said in a matter of factly

"Ariana!!!!!!!!!!!" Louis said

"Louis!!!!!!!!!!" I said

"I'm gonna miss you Ari-Bear!" He said and hugged me

"I'm gonna miss you too!" I said

"My turn!!" Dani said and hugged me

"Well I'm gonna miss you too..." I said

"Of course you will!" Dani said and I laughed

"Bye Ari." Liam said

"Bye Lili." I said and hugged him

"Guys! Its not like you're going away.." Sarah said

"True! But still... I'm gonna miss my Little Brown Ariana." Niall said and hugged me

"I'm not little!" I said and pulled out from the hug. He just chuckled.

"Lads, let's go." Paul said and they all nodded.. I hugged Harry once again and I didn't want to let go.

"I promise to Skype with you when I get there." He said and I just nodded

(A week later)

Sarah's POV

Ariana stayed at her hotel today and Eleanor went to spend her time with her family so It's just me. Ariana and Harry are always skyping... She also skypes with Niall and Zayn but mostly Harry.. I wonder how Niall is handling the whole Hariana thing.. Ariana never removes the necklace that Niall gave her.. So it means Niall has a special place in Ariana's heart..

I was thinking about stuff when suddenly my phone rang.. It was Ariana

- Phone Convo -

(A: Ariana S: Sarah)

S: Hey!

A: Sarah!

S: What?!

A: I have something to tell you

S: What is it?

A: Frankie got us plane tickets to go to New York!!!

S: He did?!?!?!?

A: Yes!!!!!

S: Is El coming?

A: No.. She can't, remember?

S: Oh right! When are we leaving?!?!

A: Tomorrow!!

S: OMG I have to pack!!!

A: Me too!

S: Why did Frankie buy us plane tickets??

A: He saw how lonely we are without the boys so he bought us tickets!!!!!

S: Do the lads know?!?!

A: No!! Only Dani! She'll pick us up at the airport tomorrow.

S: Okay! Well I gotta pack! Bye!

A: Bye! See you tomorrow! Oh! By the way! Frankie said you can sleep here.

S: Okay! I just need to pack and I'll take a cab there..

A: Okay! See you!

- End of Phone Convo -

I packed plenty of clothes but not too much... I already asked my mom and dad if I can go and they said yes!

Ariana's POV

I have now finished packing! I packed everything since Frankie told me to... Because after we go to New York, I'll be going back to LA.. I was watching Nickelodeon.. Yes! Even though the 2nd season of Victorious is done they called me last night saying they wanted to do a 3rd season! So when I come back we're gonna start filming again!

Minutes later I heard a knock on the door.. I stood up and saw Sarah with her luggages..

"Hey! Can I come in?" She said and I let her in

"I'm hungry!" She said

"Fridge." I said

"Where's Frankie?" She asked while she looked for some food inside the fridge

"Work." I said

"Ohh.. Okay!" She said and came back with some grapes and strawberries

We watched movies until we decided to get some sleep since our flight is at 6:30 am

Author's Note :

Heyyo!! Happy 2013!!! There's gonna be more drama now!!! :))



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Love You All!! :*

-Riana xoxo

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