Ch 8: Scars That Won't Heal

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First of all, THANK YOU! I DID NOT REALIZE SO MANY PEOPLE WOULD LIKE THIS BOOK! This is the first book I've ever written ':) so I'm glad people like it.

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*sabres pov*

After spending hours in the water we decide to hang out at the camp. We walk out the water still joking around with each other. Green and yellow sat down on Some logs placed around the still unlit campfire and I went to check if our clothes are dry.

"... Hm... Wow. They're already dry! That was quick. It's not that late right...? Wait what time...?" I mumble to myself as I let the clock appear in my hand. "...! OH. we spent 6 hours in the water. Well... Almost six hours." I say in surprise while putting away the clock and grabbing the clothes from the line. Walking back over to the two steves waiting for me.

"Hey our clothes are dry...! Did ya'll know we were in the water for 6 hours?" I ask giving the two steves their clothes. "uh... What? 6 hours! Really?!! It didn't feel that long..." yellow says while drying himself off and then starting to put on his shirt. "yeah. We went in the water at 11 am and now it's almost 5 pm." I answer his confusion and get dry myself.

"Hm...yeah it might have been that long actually. I mean. Look at the sun's position...!" Green adds while laying down on the log and enjoying the remaining rays of sunlight on his face. I decide to put on my blue shirt that I left laying on a chest. I grab it, go over to the logs and sit down.

Before I could even put it on I was interrupted by a scared gasp. "wh... Wh- sabre? Are you okay?!" yellow yelled.



-well at least I have bandages on, so they can't see-



Did my wound tear open from moving it too much...?
Ugh okay. I'll be fine.

"WHAT?! WHAT'S WRONG?" Green asks ~calmly~

He sits up to look at me only to explode (with concern)

Too be honest, him just exploding would be the same thing as exploding with concern.  ':/

"SABRE ARE YOU OK?! DO YOU NEED HELP?!!? SHOULD I HEAL IT???!!! I CAN HEAL IT FOR YOU-HERE LET ME HEAL IT. " Green jumped up and runs over to me.

"GREEN IT'S FINE! Just- DON'T TOUCH." I did not mean to say that last part out loud. The moment I said it Green froze in his place very abruptly. "-U-UUUUUHHH... J-just don't... Touch it. It'll make it worse. Trust me." I try to convince him but he starts moving towards me again.

I expect the worst but... He just sits down to my right and intensely stares at me.

"well... If you really wanna try that bad to heal it... Maybe try my forearm first..." I give in to his stare and start to unwrap the bandages around my right forearm.

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