Ch. 12: WHERE IS HE?!

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*Sabres pov*

This is so comfortable...
I don't wanna wake up...
It's like the bed is hugging meeeeh...

But I can't sleep anymore...
I'm just laying in bed... Wait.
Did I go to sleep in my bed...?

No. I was with green wasn't I...?

I startle myself awake with that thought.

Only to realize I'm quite literally being hugged by... Well... Not the bed... But green.

Welp I won't be getting up for a while.



I take a quick moment to look around and take in my surroundings.

I. Am. In. Greens. Bed.

His room is very nicely furnished...!


My back to him and he's spooning me.

At least the bed is soft. Really soft actually. What is this made of?

Wait... Weren't we in the living room? How did we get in the bedroom...?


Green steve probably just carried me here while I was asleep. Well...

Maybe I should try waking him up...?

What time is it...?

"*sigh*...confused as always... When I wake up..." I mumble to myself and decide to pull out my famous clock from my inventory.
Huh. Wait. It's... 7 in the morning...?!
Wasn't it like...3 pm when I got here.

"Ehhh" is all I can Muster while putting away my clock.

I shift around until I'm face to face with green.

He looks so peaceful when he sleeps...

Should I wake him...? I mean... It's probably time to wake up.

Just as I thought that green started stirring in his sleep.

His grip on me got tighter and he rolls on his back, pulling me up on his chest doing so.

I just very awkwardly lay on top of him.

"... Should I wake him...?" I mumble to myself while my face grows redder by the second.

"mmmr...?" green groans.

I snap my head up to look at him.

"g-green steve...?" I stutter now red as an apple.

"hmm...? Oh...morning sab-*yawns*'d chu sleep...?" green asks tiredly letting go of me and stretching.

I take the chance and scramble off of green and sit down on the edge of the bed, trying my best to stop blushing.

"uh- I - eh-m... I-I fine... slept...?" I curse myself under my breath, why can't I get out a full sentences.

"... Hey, what time is it?" green asks me while sitting up.

"*yawn*'s 7 am." I answere stretching and letting out a quiet yawn.

"awe~ what a cute little yawn. Well... do you want to stay for breakfast?" he asks while scooting over and sitting next to me on the edge of the bed.

"uh... Sure, if you don't mind...!" I laugh but stop when I realize I'm not wearing my bandana.

"uh... Green? Where's my blindfold?" I ask looking around.

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