Ch. 5: Burning Excitement

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*Sabres pov*

I wait until the purple swirling mist clouding my vision disappears, I feel a wave of heat hit my face and the before silent filled surroundings were now filled with distant ghastly screams, oinking, a wierd all too familiar shlorp sound and the crackling of fire.

Yup, I made it. I step out of the portal and feel the heat fill my lungs and it stings my skin a little. I take in the smoke that filled air and concentrated on the taste it left in my mouth. It took me a minute to adjust but as soon as I did, i felt at home. I look around and realize I'm in a big basalt biome. Great. I hate those. I turn around and realize that the portal spawned at the edge of the basalt biome, behind the portal is a big crimson forest.

"I guess this'll do. I would have rather wanted a bastion but I guess I'll go look for some piglins." Just as I said that a horde of piglins appeared out of nowhere hunting a hogging as it desperately tries to run away. I watch as they hunt after it when suddenly a piglin stops and turns to me.

*oh... Uh... Hey! oh by all the gods I have challenged up to this point, why do mobs all have to speak other languages...! Oh well... Let's see if my rusty piglish is still understandable." I say as I look at the piglin looking at me in confusion. Okay... Maybe ask if there's a bastion nearby...!
"*ahem* Roink unk unk, Orionk onk oink!" I think I got it!

" Urrg oink onk, Orionk unk ruchk oink! " the piglin oinks as it points to the right. Uh... Okay... I think I got it. "onk oink oin" I try my best to say 'thank you, bye' as the piglin waves and continues on its way.

"Okay. The piglin said there's a bastion behind the crimson forest on my right. Okay... I just gotta keep in mind where the portal is,then I'll be fine." I said to myself as I made my way through the blood red forest, enjoying my surroundings and the aura this place has. On my way I come across some piglins here and there, giving them a little-oink-greeting as I continue on my way, but I still keep my eyes open for some more gold, I have so many gold nuggets! I could literally make 2 more gold blocks! After 20 minutes of walking and gathering gold nuggets I finally come across a very familiar structure.

"Ah! Finally!! The bastion. Man... I can't believe I used to live in one of these-uh well... The one I lived in wasn't so destroyed... Well... That's probably cause I made sure to repair everything all the time. This one's a bit rough but it's better than others. Some are literally just a hole with a bunch of chests so... Let's see if I can find the boss of this place... "

Before I walk through the gate, I take out my crafting table and craft my gold nuggets into gold ingots and then I make some more gold blocks. I have 3 ingot and 4 gold blocks open for trading now. I walk trough the open gateway made of warm dark Grey bricks and look around trying to find someone who could get me to the piglin leader of this bastion.
Maybe I should just ask that guy over there, okay...

" Onkyyyy oink, onk oink uhnk rrrh rchhh oinkr oynkrar."(Heeeeey you, could you bring me to your leader?) I try my best at getting the message across. Oof I hope I got that right... "on ounk, reeh ruh... "(Of course, follow me...) The piglin answers. Oh, my piglish isn't as rusty as I thought! I'm really getting around easily! Oh well let's see if the leader is as nice as his people...

I follow the piglin down a bunch of stairs and through several hallways until we finally reach the main hall. The center of the entire bastion, ruins of another old portal, lava underneath the floor and at some places even showing out of the ground. There are piglins EVERYWHERE. Wow this place is crowded... Better not make much of a fuzz...

"ORRRHINK!" I get ripped out of my train of thoughts by a loud screech. Ah... The leader... Doesn't seem as nice... OK... I can handle this...even tho that thing has fists the size of my head...

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