Ch. 31: Just A Bad Memory

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*sabre's pov*

"I'll do it. But how exactly are you planning on getting Sabre to agree to this?" the professor asks as he watches me standing in the doorway.

"I'll take care of that. He'll be here in 3 days" I assure the smart, yet a bit crazy, red steve.

"as much as this is the most exciting thing that's ever happened in my life... I don't think he'll agree to this so easily." the professor sighs as he takes out his research book.

"you don't have to worry about that. Just get all the equipment ready. I'm the one who's gonna worry about bringing Sabre here, I wish you farewell professor. We probably won't see each other again anytime soon." with those words I leave the room and walk down a hallway back to the cavesystem.

"wait hold on! When will I get the end crystal?!" the professor calls after me.

"after all the crystal shards are out."

"But-" before the professor could say anymore, I already dissapeard into the darkness of the cave.

I carefully find my way back to the red leaders house.

On the way I find some... Very disturbing things in the cave...

"is that a... That's a whole ass skeleton." I mumble as I walk past an old bone structure leaning against the wall.

I choose to ignore it for now and head into another branch of the cave system.

Eventually I find the hole that leads to the Leaders house.

I pull myself out of the hole and just lay on the floor of the house.

"man... I hate caves..." I mumble, a bit of irritation lacing into the tone of my voice.

"welcome back sa-... Aaaaaay... Did it go well? ':)" time trys his best to hide the panic, he almost slipped and ruined everything.

"yeah, I'm alright. Everything went fine." I grunt as I get up and dust myself off.

"the professor agreed to help with... Uh... The situation on hand." I specifically don't say what we're planning...

I don't want him to start snooping around and finding out that 'sabre' need to come to the village.

"that's lovely to hear, do you need to sit down? You seem exhausted" time notices my discomfort.

"ah, everything's fine... I just... Don't like... Caves, especially if they're pitch black...reminds me too much of something in my past..." I sigh and take a seat next to time steve.

He looks worried.

So does the red leader.

"hm... I guess I should get the professor to renovate the cavesystems a bit... Maybe install some lanterns..." the red leader says as he walks over to a jukebox.

I see him pull out a disk that was inside before. That... Red-orange colour... Hm... I think that's 'blocks' if I'm not wrong?

"we're you two enjoying some music?" I ask curiously as the steve puts the disc away into a chest.

"yes, we just got done with this one... I have some other discs, would you like to hear any?" the leader asks with a fond smile.

Man... I didn't know the leader could be so nice...

I'm actually starting to like him.

Damn :l

"green... Steve...?" the red steve asks.

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