35 | ﴾ They're Coming ﴿

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I was left emotionally fatigued by the confrontation in Dumbledore's office, and I put myself straight to bed when I got back to the dormitory. Unfortunately, images of the orb flooded my mind and I tried my best to mentally block out the concept of myself with black eyes surrounded by hellish flames. The result was an entire night of trembling in my bed and sniffling through uncontrollable tears. I still had not heard back from my parents, and I badly wanted to go home before this god-awful wedding.

The next morning to no surprise Draco was leaning against the arched opening leading to the girl's room in his forest green robes. His eyes were bright and silvery, glittering with burning curiosity. "You look dismal, are you alright? What happened with that walking corpse of a headmaster?" he blurted out immediately. I could tell the entire affair had upset him just from the way he was flexing his fingers.

I sighed heavily out in the hallway, and allowed my eyes to point at the ceiling. I was still extremely tired from a patchy sleep the night before, "Et was just 'arry, arguing dat I needed to be separated from you." I couldn't possibly tell him the whole story of the mystic orb from Trelawney and how I would perhaps turn out to be some kind of demonic version of myself; it was simply too embarrassing.

Draco broke out in an angry rant, "I knew it. Fucking Potter, he's rife with execution. Who does he think he is? I don't have time to constantly defend our relationship and I'm fed up. Perhaps I should remind him of how unforgiving I can be when he gets in my way. You're my girlfriend, why can't he just accept-"

"Your girlfriend huh? I don' remember 'aving dat discussion." I cut into his long winded speech as we arrived on the first floor of the castle. There was a tense atmosphere in the busy hallway due to midterms starting that week.

He stopped abruptly and pulled on my arm. I spun around, dropping two of my books by accident. He looked threateningly into my eyes, "You are my girlfriend. You're more than that, in three weeks we'll be married."

I laughed gently at the irritation and worry laced into his features. "It's not funny," he angrily continued. He reached across and pulled me towards him by my hand. I dropped my last book intentionally and it flopped open to moving images of wizards at a table studying bizarre Divination practices and my arms slid over his shoulders.

"Don' worry Draco, you can call me your girlfriend," I consoled him and pushed up on my tip toes to kiss him, pressing myself against him. His lips were soft and his tongue was minty, and I was completely addicted to him. The kisses were slow and my fingers tangled eagerly in his soft platinum hair as we shifted closely together. I could feel the pull of his fingers on my waist.

It was not very long before it was ruined by a snarky comment from a passerby.

"Merlin, someone pull my eyes out of my head," someone said in a dreary, irritated voice. We turned to see that Ronald Weasley and Seamus Finnigan had just walked past us, glaring at the public display of affection. I dropped my hands from Draco in embarrassment and started collecting my books from the floor.

"Gladly, Wallenby," Draco shot back with a short laugh, using the nickname that had stuck to Ron like glue ever since Professor Slughorn had incorrectly coined his last name. "Although I'd be surprised if your family could even afford such a cosmetic procedure."

Ron stopped walking at the jab and time seemed to freeze. Seamus tried to catch his fingers in Ron's red robes but missed by an inch as Ron rapidly approached us with burning blue eyes. I was bent over with the last book in my hand as he swerved towards Draco and in one fell swing he'd clocked him in the face.

Draco's skull hit the bricks behind him momentarily before his arms shot forwards in precision response time, yanking Ron towards him. He kneed him deeply in the stomach and then shoved him into the corridor wall. He quickly had his wand out, pointed at one of Ron's eyes menacingly.

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