20 | ﴾ Mustache ﴿

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Monday came in a flurry; I had spent the rest of Sunday wasting time in the showers and in my bed, dreading the hug and kiss I had given to Draco and fearing the Slytherin boys. I left only to try and send another owl to my parents, this one more grounded, hoping they would respond.

The guilt was unbelievable as I rendered all of the possible consequences of what I had done. Would he think I was weak now? Would Malfoy think I was now a willing prisoner, suffering from some messed up version of Stockholm Syndrome?

I'd eventually given in and told Hilda the entire story, starting with the bizarre ball summoning, then the fights at the Quidditch pitch and ending with the kiss. She had groaned in repulsion and scorned me greatly for my stupidity, but in the end showed some form of wary sympathy. I was mildly concerned that she was eventually going to conclude that I was an insane person.

Draco had not made it awkward for me, just stood there and took the physical affection like one of the Queen's soldiers. When I had pulled away his eyes were shut tightly, and he'd said nothing else to me the rest of the day. We'd walked back up the path silently, him leaving me at the Slytherin common room entrance and then vanishing to explain himself to the school authorities.

I was shocked when I'd reached the bottom of the stairs and not found him waiting for me. It was the first day in weeks that I'd been able to walk to class on my own, but he was missing from Potions that morning as well. He was also missing from meal times and all of the other classes that we shared together, for several days. I eventually heard from Pansy and Blaise that he'd been sent home for the week on detention in response to the Quidditch incident.

My mind and body slowly began to ease itself with the freedom, the only thing still weighing me down being the malignant glares from some of the older Slytherin boys who were closely connected to Warrington and Montague, including Crabbe and Goyle. Zabini simply maintained a curious squint at my every move.

On Thursday I was startled by Hilda running into the Great Hall at lunch. She was gripping a piece of parchment high above her head and slid into the space next to me with such fervor that she knocked a younger year girl at least a foot out down the way.

"I have news!" She trilled without any discretion.

"Oh I had not guessed so," I grinned at her, obviously referring to her dramatic entrance.

"Guess what? I'm coming to check out your future mansion," she elbowed me hard in the ribs, causing me to drop my fork, "I can't believe it never occurred to us before, but the Sacred Ball? Duh, it's like, every Sacred family in Britain. My parents sent me a letter saying to get ready for tomorrow." She squealed and hugged me.

Pansy barked a loud laugh, licking her spoon seductively as she purposely failed to meet our eyes, "A Fawley at the Malfoy's, that should be a funny joke. Oh and let's not forget about our little Greengrass friend," her eyes hovered over me, "I'm sure she'll be delighted to meet her replacement face to face." My stomach filled with anxiety at just the thought.

Friday morning I was acutely reminded that we were dismissed from all classes so we could leave early for the Manor. Hilda had me up well before 8am, ripping open my curtains to show me dozens of dress options. I finally pointed gingerly at the option I was sure she was going to pick anyways and felt relief when the violation of my tired mind came to a close, as she agreed and packed it away.

"So you're not even going to pack anything besides your typical garb? Won't they like, I don't know, melt you on the spot?" She asked, shooting me a worried frown as I laid on my bed flipping through a textbook absentmindedly.

I shrugged, "Fuck dem."

"Hmph," Pansy remarked across the room, stuffing several dresses into her travel trunk, "They'll probably obliviate her and keep her chained in the kitchens to cook with the elves for all eternity." Her dark bob was bouncing in perfect harmony with her steps as she moved around, grabbing all sorts of beauty items. Hilda sent a revulsed look in her direction.

𝐵𝑒𝓆𝓊𝑒𝒶𝓉𝒽𝓂𝑒𝓃𝓉 | 𝒟.𝑀.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang