32 | ﴾ Come Here ﴿

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The sun blared in through the windows as it did every day. Blinding light trailed over our guilty forms. Draco and I were curled up in his single bed, one of his curtains carelessly still open and ringed by senior boys drooling passively in their sleep. I stiffened, suddenly aware of my surroundings. The crime of being caught in the men's quarters would be severe if I didn't leave immediately. Snape would spare no compulsion in his punishment.

I shoved Draco's arm off of my being and wobbled to a standing position, slowly collecting my clothing from the floor. It was scattered evidently around the bed, like clues to a murder. My skin prickled with goosebumps as the very real possibility that any one of the nasty Slytherin boys sleeping in the room might see me in my underwear.

Before I could pull on my pants I was locked into a cocoon of black sheets. Draco had leapt from his bed, ripped his sheets off and covered me up to my neck. "Are you insane? Do you know what they'll do if they see you naked?" he seethed at me in a barely audible tone, his fingers twisted into a tight knot in the bedding at the front of my body. I found it hard to take him seriously with his angry glare and messy hair.

"What was I supposed to do? Run for et?" I whispered back. A body stirred in the bed next to us and we both gasped as Goyle pulled his curtains across completely and stared with eyes wide as saucers. Draco shook his head slowly in a deeply warning manner but it was too late.

"Draco? Is that..." his eyes trained on me wrapped up in Draco's bed sheets and within seconds Goyle was laughing hysterically, sitting all the way up, "Madeleine's naked!"

He mispronounced my name brutally and I felt myself cowering into Draco as all of the boys began stirring and peering out of their curtains eagerly. There was an immediate ruckus of snorting and hollering. The fist that was twisted in the sheets before me dragged me towards the exit rapidly, but not before Crabbe could stick out his leg at an angle and trip me. I slipped to the ground and Draco accidentally pulled the sheet away from me. 

I scrambled to my feet as they all hungrily roved over my body, standing there in my matching pink bra and underwear. "Ta gueule!" I cursed in French, now not even bothering to rush as I grabbed my sweater and pants from the floor and turned to leave in a huff.

"Yo Draco tell us what she said!" They laughed mercilessly behind me as I pelted down the steps in a panic, ripping my sweater over my head.

"Madeleine, wait," Draco pulled my arm before I could make it to the common room, "Put your fucking pants on. Someone could be in the common room."

I turned around panting, my skin crawling from the humiliation. He looked at me like I was acting crazy as I ripped on my jeans on the staircase. 

Draco whined in frustration, "Just great, now they'll all have that image in their heads the next time they-"

"Stop!" I blurted, pushing him backwards, "Don't say et. I don' want to know." 

His nose pulled back at the corners as it always did when he sneered cruelly. He narrowed his eyes at me, still just in his boxers in the thin stairwell, "I bet you enjoyed that huh? Like being the center of attention?" 

I gaped at him and the urge to slap him danced in my fingers, "Don' be an asshole." I whispered the words harshly as I finished buttoning my pants up, "You told dem what et was like to fuck me already, didn't you?" 

His face faltered and he stared down at the stone stair copings with silent rage. I crossed my arms and waited as he suddenly acted like I was invisible. I shoved him after a solid minute had passed and he stumbled up two steps.

"Okay, okay!" He shouted, then had to flatten himself against the wall to allow Blaise to pass who was moving so smoothly he almost looked like he was floating down. 

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