31 | ﴾ Magnetic ﴿

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When we arrived back to the dorms the chaos was unprecedented. The room was so cloudy one could hardly perceive the other end of the room where the glass wall provided a glimpse into the Black Lake. Students of all ages were packed up to the corners not withholding their loud shouting and reckless imbibing. I spotted Hilda in a sideways corner near the doorway to the girl's lavatory. She was leaning against the wall and Blaise was leaning close to her while they flirted.

I was immediately aware of how ill I still felt from the premonitory dreams, and the fact that I was still dressed in my blue jeans and a sweater dirty from perspiration and panic. My normally straight hair was tangled. Draco's mood seemed to match mine as the wall sealed behind us and he groaned in exasperation at the unfolding party, putting a hand to his face as though by not looking it would all vanish.

"I'll go to my room now, den," I said excusing myself before he could reject my company on his own accord. I was surprised when his hand shot out to grab mine on my first step away from him.

He looked tired and I struggled to read his expression, "Wait. I have something I want to give to you. Come with me, upstairs." He didn't wait for me to agree, just tugged my hand with a tight squeeze as we shoved through people. I still felt dizzy and I tripped at least four times as I stumbled over feet and to keep up with the speed, garnishing dirty looks as I offended people's personal space.

At the base of the stairwell that led to the boy's shared sleeping quarters I ripped back on his hand and he turned his head to face me with authority, "Madeleine, come."

"I cannot go up dere!" I retorted, standing on rickety legs as I yanked feebly backwards, "Et is forbidden!"

He rolled his eyes, "No. It is simply forbidden the other way around." He focused on my face with a stormy brood. The light blue of his gaze resembled more of a dark night on the ocean in the dim lighting of the room. I begrudgingly stepped across the line that was the arched doorway and allowed him to guide me up the stairs.

The signature smell of male quarters could be detected before even reaching the first doorway. Draco pushed me past this one, the second, the third, and stopped at the fourth to reach around my waist and push it open. The room was pitch black and abandoned. He pointed at the farthest bed across the way which faced the door, and I went over to it and sat delicately as he lit the candles independently with his wand.

When he was finished he paced in front of me, tapping his wand against his chin as though thinking. Finally he faced his trunk next to me and bent to unlock it, pulling out a pair of gleaming, ivory Quidditch gloves. He sat next to me and placed them in my lap, watching my eyes intently as my mouth dropped and I sensitively plucked one up and turned it over.

They were the same gloves that I'd seen floating in Quantum Quidditch standing next to Harry. And finally it clicked in my mind why he hadn't fallen off of his broom the day of the Quidditch accidents; he had the same gloves. The price of the gloves had been far higher than anything I would've dared ask my father to pay for, despite him being perfectly capable of doing so.

"Is dis your attempt to enlighten my spirits?" I asked faintly, but a smile was now dancing across my lips that was growing bigger by the second.

He leaned his head on my shoulder and I felt his lose blond hair tickling my chin and neck, his arm wrapped around my body and he breathed out as if relieved, "They prevent you from falling off of your broom, they're-"

"-magnetic." I finished his sentence for him.

He reached out slowly to touch a glove with me, "How did you know that?" His fingers brushed over mine faintly as he turned it over and I noticed he'd imprinted the initials M.M. in gold onto the hide. My eyes welled gently with tears of joy at the thoughtfulness, and also partially from guilt because I had been working so hard for months to avoid taking the Malfoy M as my last initial.

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