Chapter 8

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--- January 26, 10:31 ---

"Matt, you have a package!" Zach shouted as Matthew walked down the stairs.

"It's Saturday morning, stop shouting like a bitch." Matthew snapped, snatching the package from Zach's hands.

Ryan and Kate watched Matthew as walk up the stairs before looking at Zach. He had never acted this irritated, even if he was having a bad morning. They eyed Zach questioningly like he either had done something to Matthew or if he knew what had happened to the brunette. Zach shrugged at them and mentally decided to question his brother later in the day.

The truth was that Sophie had been spamming his phone ever since nine in the morning. Matthew woke up around an hour after she started to spam him and squinted his eyes as he read through the messages on his bright screen. It started off with 'Good morning' and 'How are you? Sorry I avoided you yesterday' before the accusations and threats started to swarm in. Words like 'kidnapping' and 'murder' were popping up here and there very frequently.
Matthew was starting to get annoyed with her so he decided to block her, just for the weekend. Just as he was about to tap the 'Block' button, he heard Zach call for him.
'Dammit, what does that mother-fucker want now?' Matthew rolled his eyes in annoyance and walked downstairs.


Matthew slammed his bedroom door shut and tossed the package onto his bed. He could care less about how his parents might lecture him later for slamming the door, he had more important matters to deal with at the moment. The brunette picked up his phone and saw that he had around five new messages from Sophie. Frustrated, he blocked her before reading the new messages to prevent any more spamming from the blonde bimbo.

Sophie: I know where you live Matt~

Sophie: It's gonna be easy to kidnap you now, hehe

Sophie: Hey, are you even reading my messages???

Sophie: I know you're online asshole, reply me!!!

Sophie: You'll regret this..

'What the fuck is wrong with this bitch!?' Matthew thought in rage and shoved his phone under his pillow. He calmed himself down a little before picking up the package on his bed and grabbed a penknife from his desk. 'I don't remember ordering anything online..?'

Cutting open the cheap packaging, Matthew was confused by the brightly coloured paper-confetti that covered the top half of the box. He grabbed out most of the paper before realising what was inside. He growled with disgust, throwing the box into the trash before scrubbing his hands with soap until they were red.
He got his phone out and dialed Jace's number. Jace picked up after a few rings but before he spoke, Matthew told the black-haired boy to go over to his house as quick as possible and then hung up just as Jace was going to question him.


The doorbell rang a few minutes later and Matthew ran down the stairs to answer the door, surprising his parents who were just walking into the living room. Jace stood in the doorway, looking a little out of breath.
Matthew was surprised at how fast Jace got to his house and asked if he had ran over.

"No shit, I got worried when you hung up on me before I could even say anything." Jace panted a little, wiping off the sweat on his forehead.

All Matthew did was nod before realising that his parents were behind him. He wanted to bring Jace back to his room so that they could discuss the issue with Sophie but his mother spoke up before he could speak.

"Hello there, are you a friend of Matthew?" Kate asked with a smile.

"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Kingston, I'm Jace Anderson and I'm in Matthew's class. He wanted to discuss an urgent essay that would be due on Monday and told me to come over." The black-haired boy said politely to Matthew's parents and gave them a charming smile. Matthew wanted to laugh at how unusual Jace was acting but decided against it since he still had the package on his mind. The brunette's parents smiled at Jace and Kate asked if he'd be staying the night, making the boys' eyes widen.
"I wouldn't want to bother you guys, plus it's still pretty early so we would likely finish the paper before sunset." Jace said to her.

Matthew stopped his mother from speaking as he tugged on Jace's arm. "Yeah, so let's go up to my room and quickly finish that damn paper." He lied and Jace followed him up to his room. He felt bad for lying to his parents but if they knew what Matthew was worried about, they'd blow up the whole issue and that was the last thing that the brunette wanted.


"What the fuck!?" Jace growled, mostly out of anger. Matthew had shown him all of Sophie's text messages and the package that was in the trash which he suspected was also from Sophie. Jace was trying to control his anger as he glared at Matthew's phone screen.
"This sick bitch! This goddamn sick stalker!"

Matthew could see how much Jace wanted to slaughter Sophie at that moment, and he knew that the boy would not hesitate to do so. He wanted to calm him down but he didn't know how. The brunette stood next to Jace silently, wondering if he should even be talking right now.
'What if I make things worse? Would I get hurt too? What if Jace hurt me like how he did? Would I even be able to tell the police what happened? No, I don't want him to go to jail..!'

Matthew's breathing became uneven as his anxiety started acting up. He hadn't had sufficient rest today and the current situation he was going through was not making things any better.
Suddenly, he heard Jace calling his name with worry in his tone. Without realising it, Matthew had fallen onto the ground and started to hyperventilate.

Matthew snapped out of his thoughts and wrapped his arms tightly around the taller boy. He started tearing up and apologising, begging Jace not to hurt him. Jace was beyond confused but hugged the brunette back, assuring him that he would be safe and nobody was going to hurt him.

Jace didn't know what Matthew was feeling but one thing was for sure, he was going to protect Matthew at all costs. He was not going to allow the brunette to get hurt.

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