Tales of Ba Sing Se: Aikio

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Aikio groaned as she shifted out of bed, rolling out of her sheets. She rarely ever slept in but with the increasing hours at the border and the long trips back on the ferry. She desperately needed the rest. Once out of bed she scratching her side through her loose tunic, she headed into the kitchen for breakfast. She hobbled her way over to the icebox, going through it before pulling out a bottle of milk. "Morning sleepyhead," a familiar voice called out making Aikio groan as she turned to face her captain who was seated at the dining room table.

"Morning," Aikio said before tilting the milk bottle against her lips drinking it straight from the source. Suki gagged at the sight rolling her eyes. "You do know there are cups in the cupboard right?" she questioned annoyed.

"No I didn't, but I'll make sure to remember for next time," she said sarcastically as she grabbed a loaf of bread and joined Suki by the table.

"You always say that but you never do," Suki said as she shifted her gaze from the older girl down to the pai sho board in front of her.

Aikio grabbed a seat across from her slumping down in the chair as she bit into her loaf of bread. "Well in that case maybe you should learn you can't change me and just learn to deal with it," she retorted with a small chuckle. She leaning against the chair as she watched Suki move a few tiles across the board. "What are you even doing?" she questioned as she drank from the milk bottle once more, a few drops dripping down the sides of her lips.

Suki groaned in a bit of disgust but continued with her next move. "Practicing. I and Uncle have a rematch later," she noted her gaze now focused on the board in front of her.

"You do realize you don't have to call him uncle right?" Aikio rolled her eyes hearing Suki. She was willing to humor Suki being with Zuko, and she was willing to call him brother but it was getting a bit too much even for her.

"I like calling him that. Besides it's much better than calling him Mushi haha," Suki retorted moving a few more tiles. "Besides I think he'd like it if you called him uncle too, he is like family after all," she reasoned.

"Maybe your family but not mine," Aikio murmured before nearly downing the rest of the milk. "Speaking of family, where is everyone?" she asked as she set the bottle aside.

"Ami left for class, apparently there is some lecture at the university and she will be gone most of the day," Suki said trying her best to recall everyone's plans. "Tam, well she took most of our money to go out and do some shopping. And for Kikki... well," almost on cue both girls could hear loud snoring leaking in from the other room causing Suki to giggle. "Well, Kikki is still sleeping," Suki said as she lifted her gaze looking up to Aikio. "What about you Aikio got any plans for your day off? Wanna join me when I go see Zuko?" she asked curiously.

"No thanks, got a date," Aikio shrugged.

Suki blinked hearing her completely in disbelief. "You... have a date?" she asked still not sure she heard her correctly.

"Yeah, I have a date. Is that a problem?" she asked with an arched brow.

"No no no of course not. It's just... I'm surprised is all," she says not wanting to sound rude. "Who are they? Have we met them?" Suki questioned curiously.

"No, you haven't met them," Aikio answered annoyed. "We met awhile ago and we are just seeing where it goes that's all," she said not in the mood to answer too many questions.

"What's their name? How'd you meet?"

Aikio groaned at Suki's questions her face getting a little flustered. "Their name is Li. Now I would love to play twenty questions with you, but I'm gonna go get changed and head out," she grunted shifting out of her seat.

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