The Sister

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Zuko slept in his cot. He felt at peace. For the first time in a long time, he was content, he was happy. Everything was starting to go his way.


Zuko shot up as a roar of thunder echoed through the trees. Everyone waking from their slumber and rising from their tents. But as they looked up expecting rain, they were only met with a clear starry sky, not a cloud for miles.

"What the hell was that? You guys heard that too right?" Kikki asked and received a slap at the back of the head from Aikio.

"Of course, we heard it, why else would we be up," she said a little annoyed, rubbing the grime from her eyes.

"Sheesh you don't have to be so rude," Kikki groaned, rubbing her head.

"Guys now is not the time to be fighting," Suki said with a heavy sigh.


They all heard the crackling thunder once more, but the sky was still empty which made them even more confused. "Tam see if you can get a view from up top. If there is a storm rolling in, we will have to move camp," Suki said, taking charge.

"Aye captain," Tam quickly agreed and started to scale one of the trees. But as Zuko watched her climb, he felt his stomach begin to sink, a familiar dread coming over him.

"You know, Tam may be dense, but she's got eyes like an eagle-hawk," Kikki whispered to Zuko as they watch Tam reach the top of the tree. "Tam, see anything?" she called out to her.

"Nothing yet," she answered. "Wait... I think I..."


Just as quick as she climbed up the tree she came soring down. "You guys aren't gonna believe what I saw," Tam announced, not sure if she believed it herself.

"Well, what did you see?" Suki asked curiously.

"The lightning was shooting up to the sky," she said and almost immediately everyone scoffed. "I'm serious! There isn't a cloud for miles and just due south of here I saw a bunch of trees were being knocked over, then suddenly a few bolts of lightning were being shot up at the sky," she explained, gesturing with her arms frantically.

"Aikio, you wanna climb up and see what is really going on, or shall I?" Kikki asked, not believing a word of Tam's story.

"Hey! I'm telling you the truth!" Tam argued.

Aikio just rolled her eyes "Right and I'm the queen of the Earth Kingdom," she mocked.

"Look, everyone knows lightning comes from the sky, not from the ground. Tell her Blue, tell her she's talking non-" just as Kikki was about to nudge Zuko with her arm she noticed no one was standing next to her. "...wait where's Blue?" she asked as everyone glanced around as Zuko was nowhere in sight.

"She found me! I knew she would find me. It was only a matter of time," Zuko groaned to himself, gritting his teeth as he rummaged through his tent. He quickly donned his armor and strapped his swords to his side, packing only his necessities.

"Blue?! Blue where are you? Where did you go?" he easily heard the girls calling out to him. His instinct was to run, for all of them to leave, but Azula would follow them. She would find them and she would kill them. He needed to face his sister, to protect his family. He couldn't risk them getting hurt, he would never forgive himself if they were. Without a word, he slipped out of his tent and loaded up his things on his Ostrich horse, tying everything off.

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