The Firebender Part 2

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The Fire had scorched the earth. Small flames flicking along the ground, leaving only a small space untouched where Suki and The Blue Spirit stood. Once the flames died down, Zuko could hear Suki's voice. It made his chest squeeze as he heard only the sound of betrayal in her tone. He was a firebender, he was her enemy. And now she knows the truth. He so desperately wanted to turn to her and tell her that he isn't, that she was confused. He wanted to lie, but he couldn't. He couldn't look at her, he just looked away ashamed, and clenched the sword in his grasp.

So many thoughts ran through Suki's mind as she stared up at him. She had no idea how to feel or how to react. She just saw the Blue Spirit firebend. She felt like a total fool trusting him. Aikio was right, she was right about everything. Suki wanted to flee, to run, but she could barely get to her feet as she laid there defenseless. Her eyes trailed back up to the Blue Spirit. She half expected to see him ready to cut her down, but he didn't. He just stood there in between her and the Fire Nation commander.

"So, Blue Spirit... it is just you and me now," Akechi said with a confident smirk. The Dao sword in his hand was still bright hot as he pointed toward the Blue Spirit. "I'm going to enjoy watching you burn," he said as he twirled the twin blades in his hands.

Zuko said nothing. He simply got into a fighting stance. The katana firm in his grasp and readied himself to fight. Even if she hated him, he wouldn't... couldn't let Akechi harm her. He wouldn't allow it.

Suki watched in confusion as the Blue Spirit remained at her defense, watching as he wielded her sword. Before she knew what was happening, both Akechi and the Blue Spirit lunged at each other. With incredible force, their blades crashed together and Suki could almost swear the earth shook. "Blue?" she whispered confused as he and the commander fought.

Zuko slashed and swung the blade, again and again, striking at Akechi. Their blades rang with each hit, the sound echoing through the trees. Akechi fought ferociously, meeting each of the Blue Spirits attacks with his own. They both circled each other, fighting with fire and steel. Zuko was not holding back as he let his fire out. He shot fire from the sole of his foot, helping him leap up and slice down at the commander. But Akechi crossed his blades, blocking and shielding the strike. He pushed off as the Blue Spirit flipped over his head. Akechi smirked wide as he spun around, slashing at the masked warrior and managing to cut his arm. Zuko groaned as he rolled away, trying to escape a few more quick strikes. The slice on his arm wasn't deep, but with the blades blazing hot, the wound instantly cauterized and sealed. With a loud roar in anger, he charged as a massive blaze rose to surround them.

Suki gasped as she saw the Blue Spirit get hit. Her emotions racing as she watched them fight. Every time she saw him get hit or hurt, she wanted to leap up and fight by his side. But her chest twisted as a small part of her just wanted to run, to leave him, making her heart pang with guilt. She hated this, she hated the idea that crept in her mind. The Blue Spirit, firebender or not was fighting for her and she wanted to leave him. She wanted to slap herself and call herself a coward, but all she did was lay there and watch.

The fires started to rise as she watched their silhouettes dance along with the flames. They looked like two demons, two mythical beings locked in battle. It was a sight to behold. The Blue Spirit matched each of Akechi's strikes and parries, blow for blow, and neither of them wavered. But Zuko could see the Dao swords starting to become warped from the fires, and beginning to chip and crack with each blow. He saw Akechi's Achilles heel and was going to exploit it. He blasted him with fire and quickly met that with a barrage of slashes and swipes of his sword, bashing the weakening steel swords.

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