The Refugee

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When the next morning came even before the sun reached over the horizon, Zuko was already up. He was taking an inventory of his supplies going over everything they will need for their journey. Luckily he had food and rations packed away in his saddle, and one of Suki's old maps rolled up in his bag. He then checked his equipment but to his disappointment, the blue robes she gave him were charred and stained with blood. Though the armor was still in good condition, he could no longer use his robes. Putting the robes away he slipped on his dull brown shirt and trousers. Then fitting the armor over it as he got dressed.

Soon Iroh too did wake as he came out to greet his nephew, seeing he was already up. "Morning Prince Zuko," he smiled to him but then arched his brow. "What are you doing nephew?" he asked curiously.

"Morning Uncle," Zuko said not turning to face him as he continued to look over his map, to chart their path. "I'm figuring out the best route to Ba Sing Se," he answered as he ran his finger over the parchment marking which roads to take.

"Why Ba Sing Se?" Iroh questioned confused as he came to Zuko's side. He leaning over to look over the map, curious of their destination.

"Well... I have some friends there I promised to meet," he answered still remaining vague. "Azula is still coming after us. Ba Sing Se is the safest place in the world where we can hide, even you couldn't break-in," he reasoned.

"That is true," Iroh agreed, stroking his beard. "Hmm, in that case, we should go here first," he said pointing to a small town on the outskirts of the Si Wong desert.

"Why there Uncle?" Zuko questioned.

"You are not the only one with friends Prince Zuko," Iroh chuckled. "If we are going to get into Ba Sing Se, we are going to need passage and papers," he explained.

Zuko nodded in agreement. "And you sure these friends of yours can give us these?" he asked as he jotted down the path his Uncle selected.

"Of course," Iroh smiled as he pushed himself up onto his feet. "When have I been wrong?" he said rhetorically.

"Do you want me to give you a list?" Zuko asked as he grabbed up his stuff.

Iroh just shook his head. "This won't be like those times I promise," he said and Zuko then reluctantly sighed in agreement, deciding to go with his Uncle's plan.

They both quickly had their breakfast and were on their way heading off towards the Misty Palms Oasis. During their travels, each day they stopped to rest Iroh would continue with his nephew's lessons. Each day he would teach Zuko different bending forms. Instructing him on the ways of the other elements. He knew Zuko would need every advantage against Azula. But he also secretly hoped that these lessons would open up his mind, helping him understand a new point of view, and help him find peace.

Although all it ended up doing was increase his frustration. Each time he taught Zuko a new bending form, he'd struggle to master it, or worse fail to understand and learn. Iroh believed the blockage that ran through his nephew was hindering him more than he could imagine. He feared Zuko would never be able to move on till he confronted the festering darkness inside. And even though Zuko continued to struggle he didn't let that hold him back, he persevered. Iroh saw a determination in Zuko that he never saw before, and his will to keep going gave Iroh hope.

After almost a week of this, they finally arrived at the Misty Palms Oasis. Though their arrival wasn't as smooth as they would have hoped. A few bounty hunters recognizing them in the bar. Luckily for them, Iroh's friend did come through sneaking them off as the bar erupted in a brawl. Sneaking them both inside a flower shop across the street.

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