The Kyoshi Part 1

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When Zuko returned to camp, the sun was already rising over the trees, shining down on their settlement. As he approached, he could see all the Kyoshi warriors were already awake, packing up their supplies. None of them wasted any time getting ready to head out on the road. Zuko had managed to get changed and his bandages redressed before they set off. Though his chest was still sore, a few ribs were still broken, the swelling had gone down due to Ami's ointments. He knew he had to thank her when he got the chance.

Suki had a little more difficult when she tried to get herself changed. The entire time she felt small jolts of pain, and stinging pinches when she moved her arm. She finally had given up and just sloppily wrapped and tied her robe around her body. She sighed defeated as she could barely get herself dressed. She forwent putting on her makeup or her armor and just had it all packed in the carts. She knew she was going to get strange looks, but she had no idea most of them would be coming from the masked warrior.

Zuko could not take his eyes off Suki when he saw her. He'd never seen her without her makeup, at least in the daylight. Even in her disheveled state, she was beautiful. Then, he got flashes of them race through his thoughts, about their kiss, something he never experienced before. Even now he had trouble believing it really happened. He knew he had to talk to her, but now wasn't the time. He sighed and went to finish packing his stuff seeing everyone getting ready to leave.

"Okay guys we are heading out to a few more stops before we reach the next village," Aikio calls out to everyone, already taking command. "At the next stop, there is supposed to be a military outpost and possible shelters for refugees. So once we reach it, you can either stay there or continue with us as we head to Ba Sing Se," Aikio explains to the refugees, who begin chattering among themselves about their options.

"Now, let's move out!" Aikio orders before turning to Suki. "How was that?" she asked with a heavy sigh.

"Perfect," Suki giggled as she climbed up onto the cart and took the reins.

Aikio was about to protest as she watched Suki take control of the cart but kept quiet "Thanks, how is your arm, can you move it at all?" Aikio asks as she joined her in the seat.

"Yeah, a bit, though it still hurts when I try and raise it up," she explains as she tugs on the reins with her uninjured arm, driving the cart as the caravan starts to ride down the road.

"If you want, I can drive and you can rest. Maybe have Ami check it out again, she has other meds that could help-,"

"I'm fine, really," Suki said, cutting her off.

"You sure?"

"Aikio, you know I don't like lying. When I say I'm fine, I'm fine," she said, trying to wave it off.

"Yeah, I know. That's why I know you are a terrible liar, and you should be resting," Aikio said, giving Suki a knowing look.

"Yeah hahaha, I guess," Suki chuckled. Soon, they got quiet as Suki was deep in thought. After a few moments, she then turned and faced her friend. "Aikio do you trust me?"

"Huh, where is this coming from?" Aikio asked, confused at the sudden question.

"Just answer, please. Do you trust me... do you trust my judgment?" she asked again, sincerely.

Aikio started to get an idea of what was on Suki's mind. She sighed softly as she leaned herself back on her seat " Sometimes I question you or challenge you on things you decide, but I always trust you have the best intentions, the instincts knowing the right thing to do even when I don't see it," she said just as honestly.

Suki nods quietly, pondering Aikio's words.

"But more importantly, I trust you have my back. That in a fight, you'll be there with me through thick or thin," Aikio said with a small smirk. "I once heard from an earth kingdom soldier that you find your true friends on the battlefield, and if that's true, then you are a true friend. We all are,"

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