The Kyoshi Part 2

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The next few days, Zuko had decided to contribute more around the camp, helping as much as he can. Especially with Suki's injury, he took it upon himself to go out hunting. He used what Suki had taught him with the bow and he easily brought in-game. And each of the Kyoshi warriors showed him their appreciation in their own way.

Ami began teaching the Blue Spirit about some herbs she used. She showed him what could be eaten or used as medicine. Zuko was a quick study, learning quickly from her, and almost becoming somewhat of an apprentice. Ami was happy to pass on what she knew, even teaching the Blue Spirit how to dress and suture wounds.

Tam and Kikki showed him their fan's, teaching him what they can do. They showed him how to strike, and parry, even how to throw as a weapon. For him, the bladed fans were a little awkward to wield, but he did his best to learn what he could from their lessons.

Aikio, on the other hand, did her best not to glare at him or treat him like some criminal, giving him some space. Though they didn't talk much, Aikio's words were still on his mind. He kept thinking of their little talk and started to realize more and more that she was right. Mercy can only get you so far, and sometimes firm and more permanent solutions are necessary. If he had done what he should have back at Chong Sheng, Suki may not have been hurt at all. Even if he wanted to accept Aikio's point of view, he was still conflicted. Apart of him still regretted what he did and the idea of killing made him uneasy. He knew he had much to think about and much to accept.

Then there was Suki. At night, when everyone else was asleep, Zuko would come to Suki's tent. They would unwind and just talk. Suki started asking him questions, wanting to learn more about the Fire Nation, and what it was really like. Zuko obliged, telling her all he could remember. He talked about the Palace, the Capital city where he was from, and even the summers when they visited Ember Island.

"You know, I always wanted to see a play," Suki admitted as she slurped up some rice from her bowl.

"You don't have those kinds of things on your island?" he asked, quizzically.

"Well, sort of, we have these shadow puppet shows sometimes. But they mainly just recount our history and tales of Avatar Kyoshi," Suki shrugged. "But to see a real play with actors, stunts, it sounds like it could be fun."

Zuko nodded as he ate from his bowl. "Yeah, when I was younger, we used to go to the theatre all the time when we visited Ember Island," he says with a soft sigh. "Back then I didn't really enjoy them, it was just something my mother wanted to do. But as I got older I started to appreciate them more, and what they meant to her."

Suki gently squeezed the Blue Spirit's hand, hearing the grief in his tone. "You know, Ba Sing Se is a big city, I bet they have stuff like plays there. Maybe we could see one together, just the two of us?" she suggested, bringing a smile to his lips.

"Yeah, I would like that," he said as she smiled back at him.

"Guess that's a date," she said with a mischievous grin that made Zuko blush. "Besides, the theatre is probably the only place you don't stand out in," she giggled and poked his side.

"Ha, yeah I suppose," he chuckled, shaking his head as he looked down at her. "How's your arm?" he asked as she snuggled up against him.

"Better, though still hurts when I move it too much," she admitted, stretching out her arm but jerked it back when she felt her muscle pinch.

"That's good, it's healing well."

"Yeah, which means soon I'll be getting my bow back, thank you very much," she grinned.

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