"Im so incredibly happy"

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I had the ultrasound.

"This might be a bit cold. There's baby looks like there's two. Two heartbeats!"

Sirius: "two!"

Remus: "I'm so incredibly happy"

Me: "congratulations you two"

After the ultrasound.

James: "how'd it go"

Sirius: "Twins!!"

James: "Merlin! Congratulations"

- next ultrasound -

"There's baby's. Good strong heartbeats! Do you want to know the genders?"

Sirius: "yeah please"

"Baby A is a...... girl and baby B is a....... boy"

Remus: "one of each!!"

Me: "congratulations"

After the ultrasound :)

James: "soooo"

Remus: "a boy and a girl!"

James: "congratulations"

Later that night :)

I was laying in bed with James exhausted, Noah and Theo had been fussy all day! They'd cry if you put them down so I had to do everything with them on either hip.
I was just about to go asleep when I hear:

Harper: "mama! Mama!"

James: "I'll go"

Me: "no it's fine, she's shouting for me"

I walked into her and Delilahs room and she had tears rolling down her cheek.

Me: "bubba? What happened"

Harper: "nightmare"

Me: "awh, bubba. Do you want to sleep in mine and dada's bed tonight?"

Harper: "yeah"

I carried Harper to our room and laid down with her in the middle with her head in my chest.

Harper: "muma? Are you really pregnant again"

I look at James and didn't know how to explain it to her.

Me: "yeah I am, but it's Uncle Remus and Uncle Sirius' baby's"

Harper: "why aren't one of them pregnant instead"

Me: "because only women can get pregnant, we have a thing called a uterus that the baby's in"

Harper: "oh, so when the baby's are born Uncle Remus and Uncle Sirius will look after them"

Me: "exactly but to the baby's they'd be dada"

Just under 5 months later :)

I didn't have long left till the due date. Me, James, Noah, Theo, Delilah and Harper all went to the park before Sirius and Remus were meeting us. James was playing with the kids and I was sat on the bench watching them.

Molly: "can I sit here"

Me: "of course"

Molly: "thank you, I'm Molly Weasley"

Me: "Lorelei Potter"

Delilah: "mama, dada won't let me play with the car"

Me: "for god sake. JAMES! Let Delilah play with the car shes the child not you!!"

Molly: "which are yours?"

Me: "them two there that's Harper and Delilah twins. And them two Noah and Theo they're twins as well"

Molly: "two sets of twins!"

Me: "yeah, these are twins as well but they aren't mine I'm being my brothers surrogate"

Molly: "oh that's lovely"

Me: "owwww!"

Molly: "you okay?"

Me: "I think these two are on their way"

Sirius: "BOO"

Me: "don't do that! Oh and I'm in labour"

Sirius: "WHAT! Let's go to the hospital!"

Me: "okay okay we'll help me up then. It was lovely meeting you Molly"

Molly: "you too dear, hopefully see you here again"


Sirius in the background: "OH MY GOD YOUR IN LABOUR! MERLIN"

Hours later and the twins were born.

James: "so what are their names"

Remus: "Nora Lorelei Lupin-Black"

Sirius: "and Teddy James Lupin-Black"

Me: "really" tearing up

Sirius: "yeah!"

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