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James: "let's put Harper down then go get a test"

Me: "okay buby"

We put Harper back down, got dressed and wrote Remus and Sirius just in case they woke up whilst we were gone. We got back they were all still asleep.

James: "come on then Daisy"

I took the test and anxiously waited 3 minutes. Waiting 3 minutes for a pregnancy test is probably the longest thing ever.

Me: "time"

James: "ready?"

Me: "yeah love"

We turned it over and saw two pink lines. I started crying.

James: "your pregnant!"

Me: "I'm pregnant!"

Remus: "your pregnant?!"

Me: "I'm pregnant! Wait what"

Remus: "hi"

James: "ready to be an uncle again?"

Remus: "congratulations!"

Sirius: "why we stood in the toilet and what we congratulating"

Me: "I'm pregnant"

Sirius: "what! Congratulations!!"

- 3 month later -

We had our first ultrasound today. I was more excited than nervous this time.

"There's baby. Two heartbeats"

Me: "TWO"

James: "oh Merlin"


Me: "again?!"

James: "maybe this time it's boys"

Me: "maybe"

- after the ultrasound -

Harper: "mama"

Me: "hi princess"

Sirius: "how'd it go"

James: "twins"

Remus: "again?!"

Sirius: "fucking hell you two are going to have your hands full"

Me: "thanks Sirius very helpful"

Delilah: "Dada" doing grabby hands to James, Remus handed Delilah to James.

James: "hi princess"

- a month later -

Next ultrasound :)

"Two good heartbeats, do you want to know the genders?"

Me: "yeah"

"Baby A is a..... boy and baby B is a....... boy"

Me: "mini You's!!"

James: "Boys!! Two of each"

After the ultrasound :)

Remus: "how'd it go"

Me: "twin boys!!"

Sirius: "who's names are going to be Sirius and Remus right"

Me: "no"

Remus: "congratulations"

James: "maybe middle names"

Sirius: "I'll settle for that"

About 3 months later :)

Me: "let's talk about names Jamsie"

James: "okay darling"

Me: "I like the name Theo"

James: "I like it, what about Oliver"

Me: " I like it, what about Liam"

James: "maybe what about Noah?"

Me: " I love it!"

James: "what about Theo and Noah"

Me: "yeah! Middle names?"

James: "one has to be Sirius or he'll never talk to us again"

Me: "I've got an idea"

James: " go ahead"

Me: " Noah Sirius Fleamont Potter, Theo Remus James Potter"

James: " I love it!"

Me: "you do?"

James: "I do"

You and me //James potter and Lorelei BlackWhere stories live. Discover now