Suddenly Chapter 1

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Chapter One

Summers End January 98

Suddenly, it's always a "SUDDENLY" that happens to happen, that changes the trajectory of the course in which we're on, it creeps up on us, before we know it, it's there, latched on like a toddler on your shoulders. Our carnal thought pattern tells us that we know what's going to be the product of a simple decision and yet suddenly that simplicity births itself to something far beyond our comprehension.

We start our day with no intention of thinking about twelve hours later, or what would happen to our loved ones, whether we would witness the next minute, all we focus on is a quick brush, a splash of cologne and we're on our way into that big blue world filled with unknown amounts of suddenly. Whilst we rush off and chase our day, our Suddenly sets her course, points her compass to our direction, to find us at our most unexpected.

Up until this moment I had not a care in the world, I lived a bother free life filled with thoughts of a million ways to kick a football on the wall outside my home. I couldn't explain my role in the universe and I wasn't concerned about what my purpose in life was. All I wanted was to be Maradona, Pele, Romario, Baggio and now Robbie Fowler. Robbie was the bees knees and who in my opinion was the best striker born on the Merseyside of England, he was my football hero.

Nothing at the time meant more to me than how the football felt on my feet, speed and skill was all I wanted as a teenage boy. Football wasn't something that I was born with, it was not a God given first instinct, but football was my first love and I worked hard at perfecting it.

Dad was always a major part of everything I did. Sometimes I did it just because I knew it would make him proud of me, just watching him leap off the ground whenever he saw me succeed at anything meant more to me than the validation of any trophy. Whenever I got an opportunity to play football, I played football for dad, so dad would think of me as a man, so he would love me more because I was doing something that he loved too. Before long Dads obsession became mine too.

The air had changed and the feel of Christmas had left for another year, the summer had ended and the time had come for me to cut off those shoulder length curls growing from the top of my head, yes I had a serious thing about longer hair and wanting longer hair.

I loved the spirit of the holidays, the Christmas feel and the warmth of families coming together. It felt like all the strain of a long year was worth the wait for the holidays, there was nothing that a good family get together couldn't cure. The sound of laughter and the taste of good food made everything okay. It was a time we as a family would give gifts and groceries to the less fortunate in our neighborhood. We were thankful for what God had given us and we prayed for those who didn't have as much.

Almost everyone was on their annual holiday break which gave them time off work to spend with their loved ones. Every home on our street had family and friends over for a braai, a braai was our version of a good old fashioned barbeque.

The charred aroma of sizzling barbeque grills filled the air, the sound of playlists of Christmas carols and summer songs were playing on the radio. Cookie cutters, cinnamon, the smell of freshly baked biscuits filled the air at home. It was a party for some and a normal day for others, others who didn't have a secure financial status. Every year my mum would invite a less fortunate family over for Christmas lunch. I wish things could be different and that every family could have what we had or even more.

My aunts were visiting for that summer, the sound of chattering mouths and high pitched laughter joined the thick atmosphere, our home never felt more alive. My aunts adored me as a nephew but they urged me to cut off my locks for something more 'cuter' as they put it, they just didn't see the finesse or style in my dark brown locks, perhaps because they were from the 60's and had not a single clue about what was fashionable or not.

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