Chapter 21: Surprise!

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Izuku Yagi's P.O.V

Lies. Everyone lies about something. I color my hair; I watch internet pornography; I can't do half of the things I put on my resume — those are secrets not everyone would want to be aired out for others to see. It's human nature to protect yourself from others by lying to those closest to you. People can preach of their 'freed lifestyles' and 'weightless hearts' by solely telling the truth, but everyone lies. Kids lie; teenagers lie; adults lie — no one is completely set free by the truth because everyone tells lies.


Everyone lies about something; however, the secrets people don't ever want to be repeated will always be exposed sooner or later.

I sat patiently alongside my friends among the rubble; however, Dabi, Toga, Spinner, Mr. Compress, and I weren't the only villains here. There were hundreds of us. One-hundred and thirty-two members of the remainder of the Paranormal Liberation Front stood among us — lying in wait along the shadows; the entirety of our Nomu supply was standing alongside us; every villain, thug, and acquaintance we had ever made was there, standing with us as we prepared for our take over.

This was the end, after all, and we needed every man, woman, or other to fight for our cause.

"This is worse than it looks, guys!" I heard a voice ring out from over the mountain of broken Earth and concrete — warranting a slight grin to spread across my face.

"Everything's going to be okay now!" Another upbeat voice spoke from the distance. "We'll save you!"

I could almost smell the hero course students as they slowly filed in, parading about as their nonsensical words of hope filled the air — evoking sighs of relief from the students buried under the rubble on death's doorstep; I could almost sense the bittersweet false smiles that littered their faces — trying to calm the injured and scared students that had watched as all of their friends died gruesome deaths; I could almost feel the pity and staged looks of remorse that radiated off of their faces.

It all made me sick.

Their smiles; their pitying looks; all of it, I hated all of it. They were so quick to lend their fellow students a helping hand, giving them all the compassion and kindness they were capable of solely because of their quirks and status. I knew they didn't care for others, only the rich, brilliant, and powerful students of the prestigious U.A High School were worth their mercy. Not us freaks; not us abnormalities; not us monsters.


I quietly climbed to the top of the rubble, peaking out to see whether or not it was time for us to commence our attacks, and to my delight, the hero course students were all there. Kaminari was there, Todoroki was there, Hado was there — all of our spies were present; meaning, we were ready. I looked down to meet Toga's gaze and nodded as soon as I was sure we were all ready — signaling to them that it was time and alerting her to convey the message to every other ally we had brought along for the show.

This was our moment. This was the last day those said to be our protectors; our saviors; our heroes would be permitted to parade around as if they thought no one could see through their hypocrisy and negligent words of falsified hope. They were sick to think that no one could see; they were sick to think that I couldn't see.

They all mocked me; they all shunned me; they all made a fool of me throughout the course of my life. That would stop today. They were wrong to think I was too weak to stop them. They were wrong to think I would stand in silence as they poked and pried at me as if I were some sort of corpse and they were the crows. They were fools to think I wouldn't fight back.

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