Chapter 7: Until Next Time...

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Izuku Yagi's P.O.V

    As I turned the corner and began making my way through the other cell block — still trying to understand my emotions and feelings towards my mother — I noticed a line of deceased guards. Nearing the guards, I took note of their fatal wounds and followed the blood trail left behind by their assailant.

Stab markings.

    I knew Toga's work when I saw it, so I knew which path she had taken to Kurogiri's cell. As I blazed down the path, I began to feel a string of words — piling together into thoughts and flashing throughout my mind as I played through every possible outcome that could arise from Kurogiri's retrieval.

    Outcomes tackling what could have happened if Toga had forgotten the way to Kurogiri's cell; or if she had forgotten the blood, ID card, or access codes to open the vault door — being four and a half feet thick; or if she had run into any other problem along the way. Outcomes assuming Dabi's team had experienced an issue throughout their separate rescue mission. Outcomes assuming something had gone wrong.

    My brain tossed and turned in my skull — floating about in a sea of cerebrospinal fluid — as I wracked my mind trying to think through every possible way that my plan could fail; however, before I was given the chance to think out every thought that flew into my mindscape, I heard a voice speak up from the other end of the hall.

"Young-Yagi. It is pleasant to see you again."

    I strained my eyes to see who it was that had been speaking, but I recognized the voice and whom it had belonged to long before I saw his face.

"Kurogiri." I spoke happily — picking up speed as I ran towards my old friend and hugged him. "I've missed you, man."

"Yes, I thought of both your face and Shigaraki's quite frequently during my time with the heroes, as well." He replied with a monotone voice.

"Uh, guys?" Toga interrupted us with a worrisome tone. "I think we should go now!"

    As I looked towards Toga with a perplexed expression evident on my face, I noticed her index finger extended towards the opposite side of the hall. Her face seemed to contort in weary and nervosity as I followed her gaze — only to be met with a steady army of guards travelling rapidly towards us, accompanied by ear-rupturing alarms that sounded throughout the halls.

"Crap, yeah, we should probably start running towards the meeting point!" I spoke.

    Picking up speed once more, the three of us began to blaze on forward towards the end of the hall; meanwhile, Kurogiri started to develop a warp gate in front of us — letting us jump through the gate and escape the guards.

"What the hell took you three so long?" Dabi questioned us as we arrived at our meeting point, still trying to catch our breath and laughing ever so slightly. "Christ, Yagi, you look like shit."

    I hummed in response as I scanned through the heads of my accomplices looking for The Doctor; however, no matter how hard I looked through my group, I couldn't see him.

"Looking for The Doc?" Dabi asked. "Yeah, we did too, and then we ran into the warden. It took a few minutes to get an answer, but you can make just about anyone talk with the right amount of force. Garaki Kyudai was transferred to another penitentiary three days ago. The system hasn't been updated yet, but he's long gone." He went on to explain.

    I muttered a harsh string of cusses as I realized that we had only completed a portion of our mission tonight. Sighing, I clutched my forehead in frustration and instructed Mr. Compress and Spinner to initiate the next phase of the plan as normal.

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