Chapter 5: Speak Of The Devil...

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Izuku Yagi's P.O.V

    It had taken us days. Days upon days of nothing but planning; plotting; scheming for our retrieval. Kurogiri was an asset to our group. His ability to open warp gates was one that we needed desperately, and he had been away from us for long enough.

It was time we go get him.

    We wanted a quiet retrieval ― one not consumed by bloodshed and crowded with heroes set on bringing the whole of the Paranormal Liberation Front to their pitiful vision of justice. We wanted solely to slip in and slip out with little-to-no incidents; however, I had made it a point to keep in mind that we were breaking into one of the most guarded prisons in the world — housing the most dangerous of criminals and villains — so it was unlikely there would be no bumps along our road.

"Elvis, Banana." A voice sounded from the radio transmitter engraved into the wall.

"Hendrix Spaghetti." Toga's voice spoke.

"Please keep your eyes open and mouth closed, sir." The voice continued.

    After those words left the speaker, I saw a green light begin to emit from outside the transport vehicle as the facial recognition software began to scan over Toga's face — scanning every inch, crease, and imperfection on the face she wore during our break-in.

"Place your finger over top the sampler." Eagerly awaiting the words of confirmation I hoped we would receive; I bit my lower lip.

    We had been preparing this for days, with months of preplanning that were supposed to be put towards our previous scheme, so there shouldn't have been any issue with the samples and word-association puzzles they would throw at us; however, it was still quite nerve-wracking not being able to perfectly watch what was unfolding in the front of the vehicle.

    I had to remain out of sight — my only view being Toga's hair — because of my reputation. We all had to remain out of sight. The only one who could afford to be seen was Toga, considering she could morph into other people — so long as she had their blood.

    It was clear that I was what you would call a control freak. Without seeing where everyone was at all times, I felt myself grow uneasy. Without seeing what everyone was doing at all times, I felt myself grow uneasy. One of the reasons I preferred being in charge of missions and plans was that I would know what everyone was doing and when they did it.

    I had no issues in letting others make suggestions or alterations to my plans. As long as I knew of them, of course. It didn't matter what my accomplices were doing as long as I was aware of it. Perhaps that was what others would deem as creepy or controlling; however, I favored thinking of it as organized and helpful.

    If someone were in trouble, I would know where they were. As well as if someone were to accidentally make a misstep or endanger the plan, I would know exactly what went wrong and where — making it easier to correct. It wasn't creepy in the slightest; it was organized.

"Good evening, Mr. Kazama. You're all set to proceed, sir." The voice spoke once more before we were permitted access to the facility.


    Continuing our commute towards the door, I released a breath I hadn't known I'd been keeping in. Feeling more confident than ever, I pulled out my laptop and began to input the passwords and usernames I had gained access to during my escape. Then, I started to write over the camera feed with pre-recorded footage we had created earlier.

    It seemed all too easy; however, that didn't necessarily mean we were waltzing into a trap. Taking advantage of life's rewards wasn't always a for-sure sign of a metaphorical snare being put in our path, all it had meant was that we had a window of opportunity that would run out within a moment.

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