Chapter 1: Home Sweet Home...

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Izuku Yagi's P.O.V

"Hands behind your back, walk backwards, and assume the position."

Right on time.

    Everything I do, I do for a reason. Every step I take; every word I utter; every breath I inhale — they all served a purpose.

Do you know why?


    An object placed above below could change the course of fate. The slightest error, even a chance encounter, could misplace an entire operation into chaos, and I never leave anything to chance.

    As I stood to my feet, stalking slowly towards the gate of my cell, I counted from one — waiting patiently until I heard the sound I had been waiting for.

"They've finally gotten your transfer cell to Tartarus ready." The warden spoke. "Finally, you'll be someone else's problem, you freak." He laughed dryly.

    I slowly stood against the gate, leaning towards the warden as I continued counting — making him angry.

"I thought I told you to stand against the cell." He spat through gritted teeth.

"Eight..." I spoke, confusing the man from my random outburst.

"You little..."


    I felt a smirk grow against my face as a look of realization dawned upon his.

There it was.

The sound I had been straining so hard to catch.

The sound of the dampener for this block deactivating.

    Quickly, I ran to the other side of the empty cell — my only company being the warden and the man I had been talking to in the cell in front of mine. As my back touched the wall, the cold embrace of Shoto's ice enveloped my figure as the wall to the cell caved in on itself. The giant spike of ice; the blood as it spewed from the warden's, now impaled, chest — it was glorious.

"Izu-Chan!" Toga spoke cheerfully as the ice Shoto had shot through my cell melted rapidly.

"Hey, Toga." I replied with a slight smile, watching as she and Shoto jumped in through the hole they had created. "You guys ready?" I asked with a grin.

    Receiving their nods of approval, signaling that the others were ready as well, we walked through the gate that had been confining me previously; although, before following my accomplices through the prison, I crouched down to meet the late warden. Grabbing what I needed, I stood to my feet and followed closely behind Todoroki and Toga.

    Some will find my schemes confusing. Some will call me incompetent for getting caught in the first place. Some wouldn't understand — though, that was okay.

It's not as if people could see my thought process.

    I loved the feeling, though. Being on the edge of my seat; feeling my heart as it proceeded to beat out of my chest; feeling this way.

I fell in love with the fear I felt every time I was chased.

    I had my reasons for getting captured as I did. I didn't spend seventeen days, nine hours, forty-four minutes, and twenty-eight seconds sharing a cell block with a bunch of nitwits for nothing. No, I had a reason. An important one, at that.


    Kurogiri was the last of us. The last of the three of us, that is. The original League. The one comprised of Kurogiri, myself, and Tomura.

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