Chapter 18: "Me."

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Izuku Yagi's P.O.V

I woke up with a headache. There were only three days before my ascension and the fall of society, and there was still quite a lot to do. One of those things on my checklist being fixing my body.

Many months ago, after my encounter with Re-Destro and the Metahuman Liberation Army, before we were all united and reformed under our current name, Re-Destro and I had been in a battle. A battle full of bloodshed and violence. Lives were damaged; lives were lost; and entire city was lost during the battle, however, there was one thing that was lost which I had needed.

My left forearm.

The prosthetic I had been wearing for the past long while, designed by none other than our previous resident doctor, Garaki Kyudai, was sculpted to perfection. The advanced technology that had gone into creating such a work of art was something to be marveled at, this much was true; however, I needed the predictability that came with my own arm. Which was why we had kept it.

I knew that one day there would be some sort of technological advancement or quirk that could undo the loss of my arm, so I had kept it — and lucky for me, I was right.

Sustained in a capsule of formaldehyde in my bedroom, there sat my dismembered arm. It was sealed off from the point of separation from my body — so there wouldn't be much loss of fluids of flooding of formaldehyde inside of my preserved arm. Other than the severed lines and ridges along my flesh, it was perfect.

Having a spy; having an ally; having a partner in U.A High's Big Three was definitely a good resource for information — especially regarding my favourite 'little sister'. She was whom I had needed to speak with before the fall of all things evil and despicable; however, there weren't many opportune moments to have a chat with her. She lived at U.A High School in the dormitories and she didn't often leave — which made my job much more difficult than it had to be, but I had needed her.

She could fix me — that was what Hado had told me, and I believed her. I had once seen her handy work firsthand, and it was marvellous. She could heal my arm, or something along those lines, according to Hado. She had the power to fix my body, and I needed to be in peek condition before the commencement of my largest battle yet, but she was hard to get to.

Of course, I could have asked Kurogiri to open a warp gate into U.A once more — him having one of the most useful quirks among the Paranormal Liberation Front — but the risks were higher than they were with Bakugou for several reasons.

One of the said risks being the fact that Bakugou didn't share a dormitory with multiple experienced pro heroes, whereas my 'little sister' did. This meant that I needed to either go there by myself, using Ghost's facet of invisibility — as I had done during my first visitation with her — or I could abandon my previous reservations and ask Kurogiri to open a warp gate. Under the assumption that there wouldn't be a pro hero watching over Eri at the exact moment the warp gate was opened, this would be a good option; however, this was almost never the case, as Eri was more-or-less never alone, according to Hado's observational skills.

The assumption that Eri would be accompanied by a pro hero whilst a purple Kurogiri branded warp gate opened was one of the strongest reasons as to why I felt that travelling to U.A on my own would be more beneficial. If anyone were to see the warp gate opening close to my dearest 'little sister', Eri — a young girl with a quirk so powerful that she could erase an entire evolutionary trait solely relying on her quirk — questions would arise, and she would slip right through my calloused fingers.

Questions wondering why she was being targeted would arise; questions regarding why the Paranormal Liberation Front had wanted her would arise; questions regarding my connection with Eri would arise, and quite frankly, I didn't exactly need some detective or hero looking into Eri and my connections. Although, the most prominent reason I hadn't wanted anyone to see Eri and I together, was because of my plans for U.A High School.

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