Chapter 11: Educational interference

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Serena's POV

It was now easy to enter the Sultan's chambers. I just had to go to the guards and show them the tray and tell them that I had Osman guard's permission to enter into Sultan's chambers.

As soon as I entered his chambers, I was awed by the size and magnificence of his chamber. It was as huge as my own home.

The walls were adorned with the ornate paintings. There was a separate chamber for his clothes. A huge terrace overlooked the entire city. The silk sheets adorned his huge bed and the cool breeze made the atmosphere of the room very serene.

I wanted to see the small chamber that was attached to the main chamber. The doors were closed and I was curious to know what was inside.

So I pushed the door. The interior was dark so I wasn't able to see anything. I grabbed the candlelight and entered inside the chamber. I lit all the other candles and the chamber revealed itself as a huge wash area. The bath was located in the center of the chamber. It was filed with the rose petals. I pitied the Sultan. All his pretty women were now nuns.

I wondered about the depth of the bath. I tried to take a peep inside, only to slip inside the bath, all my clothes wet.

My head hit the bottom and my hair got wet. As I got out of the bath, my head was throbbing with pain. Suddenly I heard the footsteps. Was it Sultan? What will he think if he finds me inside his bath?

I suddenly heard the footsteps nearing. I hid inside a closet that was located in the corner of the bath chamber. I could peep through the small hole.

I saw the Sultan undressing himself. He wrapped his waist with a thick cloth and sat at the edge of the bath. His body was the mass of muscles. His arms were muscular, his shoulders were sculpted and his hair glistened. I wondered if women found him attractive while in his bed.

Suddenly I slipped and fell down on the floor with a thud.

"Hey what are you doing here?" Shouted the startled Sultan.

" I.... I.... please apologise me! I meant no harm!" I tried to explain him the purpose of my visit but I was a mess. I wondered if I would be punished. It was one thing to influence his lovers to turn into nuns and it was another thing to breach his privacy!

I ran out of his bath chamber with him following me. I showed him the tray which I had sat aside on his table.

"I came to give you this!" I tried to look calm but I was a mess.

"What kind of a girl comes to give a tray and then get inside my bath?" He looked furious.

"I was curious to see your whole chamber! Please... please... please pardon me!" I almost begged.

"So you explored my room? Now get out and never dare to come inside my chambers again!" He pressed his fingers and massaged his head.

"Well... there was something else I wanted to discuss." I tried to whisper.

"Listen, I am already preoccupied with some problems. Please do not bother me." He said with a defeat.

"It concerns with finances right? I have the solution of your problems." I Said.

He was shocked. How did I come to know about it.

"You didn't visit the court right?" He asked.

"That's not an issue. We have to sort out the finances before the prediction of the floods become true." I Said.

"And you, a mere girl would teach me how to do it?" He asked.

"If you would have not been a Sultan, I would have punched you." I was angry now. How dare he call me a "mere" girl?

"If you would have not been my guest, I would have killed you by now!" He hissed.

However it fell into my deaf ears. He was already looking attractive with his half naked body. I had to work hard not to look at his abs. I looked away in the direction of the terrace.

"Okay fine! Tell me what can I do about it?" He asked after sometime.

"We need to sit and talk. Can we sit in your balcony? And yes please cover your body" I asked him. He muttered something to himself. He looked tired, worried and in dire need of sleep.

We sat in the balcony after he dressed inside his bath chamber, enjoying the beautiful night view of the city.

"Actually we do not require to impose the tax on people. They are already paying a lot." I Said.

"So what can we do?" He asked with a defeat.

"I had gone through the treasury accounts." I told him.

"What? How did you get access to the accounts chamber? I do not understand how do you get access to all the prohibited places of the palace" He was shocked. I decided not to tell him anything.

"As I told you earlier, I had seen your accounts. You have spent millions in gifting your women precious jewellery and expensive silk and fur robes. Now that they are becoming nuns, we can sell them." I Said.

"Oh." He seemed to light up a little.

"What oh? Didn't you like my idea?" I was amazed.

" there is a small loophole though." He said. His face having mock sad expression.

"What?" I asked.

"I was planning to gift you those precious jewellery and robes. After all, you are going to be my Sultana." He winked playfully.

I smiled and decided to exit the room.
However I saw him laughing at me.

"Why are you laughing at me?" I felt angry.

"Your hair looks like a bird's nest." He laughed at me. I smiled looking his handsome dimpled face.

It was true. My wet hair was a mess. The rose petals stuck into my hair didn't help either. However I decided to go along with his sudden good mood.

" Think before what you say, I am going to be the next Sultana of this Kingdom" I gave him a mock strict angry expression.

He smiled and agreed to my idea. Suddenly I let out the sneeze.

"I think I need to go. Will have to change my clothes or else I will contact fever." I Said.

"Yes please hurry. Or else I would be blamed if you fall sick and people will think of me as a brute" he smiled.

"There is one more thing I need to ask." I wanted to ask him about what will he do now that his women were nuns. I knew that he was tired and looked sleepy but I had to ask him. He was probably waiting for me to exit his room so that he could sleep in peace.

"Do you want me to conduct a marriage ceremony for us tomorrow ?" He laughed.

I rushed out of his room before he think about it further .My question could wait.

Before I shut the door after me, I heard him laughing his musical laugh.

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