Chapter 7: Training at Mount Silver

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Ash said 'Goodnight' to everyone and went to his room. He decided to call Serena as he was going to Mount Silver for training and there is no connectivity there.

"Hello Ashy, Happy Birthday" said Serena as she answered the call.

"Thanks Sere. I wanted to tell you something important." said Ash.

"And what's it?" asked Serena.

"I am going for training to Mount Silver for one year so therefore I will not be able to keep contact with you for one year. But I promise you that after I return, I will call you." said Ash.

"Ok Ash. I will miss you a lot. Take care of yourself." said Serena.

"I will miss you a lot too. Take Care. Good Night Sere." said Ash

"Good Night Ashy." said Serena as she cuts the call.

After the conversation, Ash slept as tomorrow was going to be a very tiring day.

The time skipped to morning.

"Ash, wake up" yelled Red.

Ash didn't reply anything.

"Pikachu will you do the honors?" asked Red.

"Pika-pika" (Yes sure Dad) said Pikachu showing thumbs up.

Pikachu used thunderbolt at Ash and said "Pikachuuuuuu"

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhh" screamed Ash as he wake up.

"Ash go and take the shower. We will do breakfast and leave for Mount Silver." said Red.

"Ok Dad." said Ash.

Ash goes and takes shower. After that they did breakfast and were now saying their goodbyes to Delia and Ilene.

"Ash don't forget to change your...." said Delia.

"MOOOOM" yelled Ash embarrassed.

"And Ash don't do any reckless things." said Delia.

"Ok Mom. Take care of yourself. Bye Aunt Ilene." said Ash.

"Bye Ash, Take care of yourself and big brother." said Ilene.

"I can take care of myself Ilene, Goodbye. Goodbye Delia. Take care of yourself." said Red.

"Goodbye Red. I will miss you a lot." said Delia.

They said their final goodbyes and Ash and Red sat on their Charizards, and flew towards Mount Silver.

"At last we are at Mount Silver." yelled Ash.

"Yes son. It's as beautiful as last time when I came with my dad. Ash I think we should camp near that tree" said Red.

"Ok Dad." said Ash.

They set their tents and at last were going to start the training.

"Ash we will start from meditation. Call out your Charizard, Sceptile, Greninja, Lucario and Gible for training and Pikachu is also going to do this training today." said Red.

"Ok Dad." said Ash.

Ash called all of the pokemon out and started meditating, but was unable to meditate as he remembered the future sight.

"Ash you think about something which is very precious to you, then I am sure you will able to meditate." said Red.

Ash started thinking about Serena and all the moments he shared with her.

"Ash....Ash....Ash...." said Red continuously as Ash was still deep meditating. After some time Ash stopped thinking about Serena and came back to the real world.

"Dad.You were calling me?" asked Ash.

"Yes Ash. It's been 5 hours you were meditating. What were you thinking about?" said Red.

"N-nothing" said Ash as he started blushing madly.

They trained everyday.

Time skipped to a year.

Ash was now able to use all his aura powers. All his pokemon could use Z-moves without using Z-rings.

Ash's Squirtel, Bulbasaur, Bayleef, Quilava, Totodile, Gible, Snivy, Pignite, Oshawott and Rowlett evolved to their final forms but Pikachu as always refused to evolve.

He could mega evolve some of his pokemons like Charizard, Blastoise, Venasaur, Sceptile and Garchomp. His Greninja could bond evolve like before and learnt new moves. His Lucario could Mega evolve and Aura evolve.

They decided to return to Rota. They sat on their Charizards and flew towards Rota. As they reached Rota they were embraced by Delia and Ilene.

"Ash you have really grown so much. You look so handsome now. I am sure you will get a girlfriend soon" said Delia.

"MOOOOM" said Ash blushing.

Everyone laughed seeing Ash's reaction. They ate their food and talked about their adventures at Mount Silver.

The time skipped to night.

Ash decided to call Serena.

"Hello Ash, I missed you a lot." said Serena.

"I missed you a lot too Serena." said Ash.

"Promise me that you will never leave me again." said Serena.

"I promise you Sere. So how many princess keys you won?" said Ash.

"Two Princess Keys. I have took a break now so I am at home. My friends who came to support me also went to their homes. After two month, they will come back and I will participate for my third princess key. One of them will try to win gym badges. He has already earned 5 of them." said Serena.

"Wow. It looks like he is a very strong trainer. I am really excited to battle him." said Ash.

"Ash I don't know about your looks but your attitude hasn't changed at all." said Serena giggling a bit.

"Yes, I know that. All the best for your third princess key." said Ash.

"Ash won't you come to cheer me?" asked Serena sadly.

"Serena no need to be sad. I promise you that I will come to cheer you for your performance." said Ash.

"Thank you so much. Good Night Ashy." said Serena.

"Good Night Sere." said Ash.

Ash slept as it was a very tiring day.

As the journey continues....


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