Chapter Twenty One

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     "Focus, Bokuto!" Coach Yamiji shouted. "You haven't landed a single spike yet, and the Spring Tournament starts in two months! What's gotten into you?"

     The month of November was before them, the cold winter days getting more and more bitter by the day. Keiji Akaashi was used to the cold, however, as he would sit outside in his backyard most nights, watching the stars move ever so slowly against the inky blackness.

     "Sorry, Coach." Bokuto mumbled. "I'm just...not..." He trailed off. "I need a break." In an instant, he was gone, with the gym door sliding shut behind him. The members of the team gave each other knowing glances, and Akaashi frowned.

     "Do you think Nakamura is still affecting him?" Konoha asked quietly. Shivers rolled down Akaashi's arms at the very mention of her name, but nodded anyways. "Damn. It's been what? Four months? I hope he gets over it soon. We really need him."

     Akaashi's frown only deepened. "I'll go talk to him." He glanced at their coach, who gave a small nod. "Keep practicing."

     The second year rushed out of the gym, following Bokuto's footsteps. Snow fell around him softly, and it wasn't hard to find the soft footprints of his friend. They led to the clubroom, which wasn't surprising.

     "Bokuto." Akaashi slowly opened the door, seeing his upperclassman sat upon the floor, knees curled into his chest. His hair lay flat against his head, and Akaashi sighed quietly.

     He knew Yukiko Nakamura's sudden leave bothered Bokuto immensely. It ate at him everyday, and it was obvious. He had missed plenty of practices in the four month time frame of her being gone, and when he was there, he was completely off his game.

     Akaashi quietly closed the door, standing behind Bokuto. He wasn't sure what to say. He didn't know if words were what Bokuto needed, anyways. He took a breath to say something, anything, but Bokuto cut him off.

     "It's her birthday today, you know?" Bokuto sounded so crestfallen, so unlike himself it unnerved Akaashi. "November thirteenth. She's eighteen." Bokuto groaned loudly. "God! It feels like she's dead or something! I tried to message her today, for the first time since she left. She changed her phone number. It said it was out of service."

     "I don't think she would do that on purpose." Akaashi offered lightly. "But she did say she didn't want to keep in contact with anyone."

     Bokuto faced his friend, and it was only then Akaashi had gotten a real, good look at him. There were bags under his eyes, and they were slightly puffy from crying. His eyes, which normally glowed a bright gold were dull, seemingly almost brown. "I know, but I'm her brother!" He sighed, burying his face in his palms. "I was her brother."

     Akaashi placed a hand on Bokuto's shoulder. "You'll always be her brother, Bokuto. Blood or not, nothing will change that."

     "I've always wanted to be a big brother, you know." Bokuto mumbled. "I was always doted on by Kimi and Kanna, and it felt nice. I wanted to experience that, too. But, my parents didn't want to have any more kids. So, I was stuck being the youngest, until Yuki joined us.

     "It was so cool, too!" Bokuto smiled, but Akaashi knew it was forced. "I got to teach her all sorts of things. I could dote on her, and take care of her. We would make fun of each other, too, but we always knew we were kidding. I think there was one time she genuinely got mad at me, back when she was fifteen. She ignored me for a week straight, and I pouted at her door the entire time until she finally forgave me. I miss her so much."

     Akaashi sighed. "I do too." He spoke earnestly. "She told me she would try to come back, so we need to keep up hope, alright? What would she think if she saw her big brother depressed right now, knowing she would be coming back to us?"

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