Chapter Nineteen

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     "Man, I can't believe the training camp is over!" Kou complained loudly, throwing his arms up in the air dramatically. "How the hell did two weeks fly by so fast?!"

     Yukiko shot him an unimpressed look, before rolling her eyes. "You're acting like a child, and embarrassing me. Please stop."

     "Come on, Yuki!" Kou frowned even deeper. "You can't be telling me you're not the least bit upset by it ending! Didn't you make new friends with the other managers, or something?"

     The girl shrugged. "Not really. I got Hitoka's phone number, though. Also, Kenma brought Hinata around a lot, so I also got his. And Tsukishima's as well, but that was mainly because you took my phone without telling me."

     "Tsuki-poo would love you." Kou's frown lifted into a proud smirk, hands on his hips. "So, even if I have to push you two together, you both will be friends!"

     Yukiko glanced over to the tall blond they were speaking out. He was engaged in a conversation with his green haired friend on the stairs, and she just barely saw Kenma's smaller frame behind them. "He's kind of...scary."

     The smell of meat wafted in the air, laughter and voices swirling around in her ears. As a surprise for the volleyball teams, since they worked so hard, the coaches put together a small barbecue for the last day, and Yukiko wouldn't lie, it was a nice way to end the camp. Though, being around all the tall, threatening volleyball players made Yukiko queasy, so she stayed firm in her place next to Kou.

     "I've brought you a plate, Nakamura." Akaashi's cool voice spoke over the rest of the noise. She quickly faced him, surprise in her eyes. He held two plates, as he glanced down at her with a smile.

     The sun shone down on him, highlighting him in the best possible way. His eyes were bright, and his smile was ethereal, despite being small. His hair rippled gently in the breeze, the black color having a slight blue tint. He looked beautiful.

     "Oh," Yukiko gulped, a blush immediately forming on her cheeks. "I..I thought I said I wasn't hungry?" The small grumble in her stomach proved her wrong, and she just hoped Akaashi or Kou didn't hear.

     Akaashi shoved the plate into her hands. "I know you said that just because you didn't want to be around everyone. So, eat up."

     Yukiko wanted to frown at his actions, but she couldn't stop the smile from forming. "Thank you." She mumbled, before poking at the rib she had been given with a fork. "It looks delicious."

    "Hey, Yuki," Kou spoke up, keeping his eyes trained on the many grills that littered the grassy area. "Do you mind if I head off, now? I was sticking around because I knew you were nervous, but now Akaashi is here."

     Yukiko shook her head. "You don't need to ask for my permission, idiot. Go talk to your friends. If you see Kuroo, tell him I said hi."

     "Will do! See you later!" Kou broke off from the small trio, grabbing another plate. Yukiko watched as he snatched a rather large piece of steak off of one of the grills, with Kuroo giving an angry shout as he tugged him back.

     "He has a lot of energy." Yukiko muttered, before glancing at her own plate once more. She wasn't the biggest fan of ribs, if she were being honest. It wasn't the meat itself, but barbecue sauce always made her stomach hurt. But Akaashi had gotten it for her, and she didn't want to disappoint him in any way.

     She took a hesitant bite, before smiling into her fork. It had a tangy taste, but it wasn't terrible. It was amazing, in fact. She continued to take small bites, relishing in the familiar comfort of food and Akaashi's calming presence.

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