Chapter Fifteen

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     "You joined the volleyball club as a manager?" Kanna asked, sipping on a cup of strawberry milk. "I'm surprised in you, YuYu!"

     Yukiko rubbed the back of her head, cheeks flaming red. "Yeah, I'm still a bit surprised, myself." She chuckled quietly, and tugged her other shoe on. "We have practice today, I guess. But, afterwards, I'll let you experiment on me with your makeup."

     Kanna squealed loudly, nearly dropping her cup. "Oh, I can't wait! You're already pretty, but just imagine what makeup will do to you! You'll be totally drop dead gorgeous!"

     "Kan, stop harassing the poor girl." Kimi placed her hand on Kanna's head, who had been sitting down. "That's cool you joined, kid. I'm glad you're busying yourself with other activities." She sat down beside the two girls, giving her a serious, hard stare. "How's your head been? And don't give me some bullshit, either. I know when you're lying."

     "Who's harassing her now?" Kanna pouted, taking another sip of her milk. "But, I'm curious, too. And worried."

     Yukiko gave them both a small smile. "I'm actually doing better this year." She spoke honestly. "And I've...made some friends."

     "Hell yeah! That's what I wanna hear!" Kimi slapped her back. "Look at you, growing up. I still remember when you would cry whenever Kou hit you with a volleyball."

     Yukiko chuckled. "That was Sachiko, not me." The two sisters frowned, but Yukiko kept her smile. "Don't worry. I can talk about them now. It still hurts, but I'm starting to get over it. I think that's what they would want, anyways."

     "You've grown up so much, Yukiko." Kanna smiled pleasantly at her. "You're so brave and beautiful. I'm proud to call you my little sister."

     "I'm with her." Kimi tossed an arm around Kanna. "Keep surprising us, Yuki. We love you."

     "I love you both, too."


      "We're going to a training camp?"

     "Yup!" Kou had both of his hands on his hips as he beamed at Yukiko. "We'll be there for about two weeks. There'll be a bunch of other schools there, including Nekoma! So, we can see Kenma and Kuroo again!"

     "Don't forget why we're going, Bokuto." Akaashi glanced at his friend. "You may be the number four ace in the country, but as a team, we still have a lot to improve."

     Yukiko took a sip from her water bottle before frowning. "How many schools will be there?"
Kou counted on his hand, silently murmuring names of schools. "Four, but five if you count us." Chills ran down Yukiko's spine. "Hey, don't worry. I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunities for you not to be around so many people. Plus, everyone is so nice! You have nothing to be afraid of."

     "Hey, you two! Stop bothering your manager and get back in the game!" Coach Yamiji shouted.

     Akaashi and Kou bid Yukiko a goodbye, before rushing back out onto the court. She chuckled quietly, before facing the older man who now stood by her. "Sorry, Coach. I didn't mean to distract them for so long. I was just asking about the camp."

     "Oh, yeah." He mumbled. "I bet you're worrying about that, huh?" When she nodded, he sighed. "If you think it's going to bother you, you can skip-"

     "No." Yukiko cut him off quickly. "Ah..sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt, but...I can't keep running away. I need to face my fears head on if I want to get over them. I'll be fine."

     "You're a good kid, you know that, Nakamura?" Coach Yamiji chuckled. "It'll be good to have you there. Seems like you're the only one that can keep Bokuto in check, anyways. Well, Akaashi is pretty good at it, too. You both have to tell me your secret."

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