Chapter Seven

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     "Are you okay?"

     "Kou, I'm fine."

     "Seriously, are you alright?"

     "Seriously, I'm fine."

      "Yuki, are you-"

      "If you ask me that one more time I'm going to scream." Yukiko held a spatula in her hand, and she pointed it at her brother. He sat on the counter nearby, pouting with his arms crossed. "It's been two days since that incident, and I've already apologized to Suzumeda countless times. She's forgiven me, too."

     Kou continued to pout. "I know! But I'm still worried." He watched as she continued to scramble eggs, the only way she would eat them. "Why did you even try to defend me, then?"

     "You're my big brother." Yukiko shrugged. "Plus, I was already on edge because of that nightmare I told you about. I just wanted to protect my family."

     She felt Kou's eyes digging into her, but she didn't bother to glance at him. She scraped the eggs onto two separate plates that were already filled with bacon and toast. "Breakfast is done. Dig in."

     Her brother took no time at all to drop his serious tone, happily grabbing a plate and a fork. "Oh, man. Your cooking is the best!" He complimented, before stabbing his food. He shoved it in his mouth, and smiled widely. "Ah-mahz-ing!"

    "Don't talk with your mouth full." Yukiko scrunched her nose up, before pouring herself a cup of orange juice. She headed to the table, and sat down across from her brother. She began to eat herself, pleased with the way it had come out.

     She wouldn't say she was a great cook. Yukiko had her fair share of failed dishes, and she wasn't always great at measuring, so she tended to over season some meals. But the basics were her specialty. On days like today, a bright and sunny Saturday, both of their parents worked, so she normally fed Kou. If she didn't, she was sure he would forget to do it himself.

     "So, do you want to be our new manager?" Yukiko inhaled deeply, choking on an egg. She coughed and sputtered, taking a long sip of her drink. 

     "Why the hell would I become a manager after my tantrum?" Kou laughed at her, but she only frowned. "Plus, I know next to nothing about volleyball. And I don't know anyone besides you and Akaashi. I'll pass."

     "Come on!" Kou whined. "Suzumeda isn't coming back, but that isn't your fault! She already joined another club, and says volleyball just wasn't her passion anymore." He shoveled another bite in his mouth, chewing quickly. "Shirofuku says the work is too hard alone, especially with me!" He laughed loudly.

     Yukiko picked at her food. "Why would you even want me?" She asked quietly. "I doubt I would be a good manager."

     "Shirofuku actually asked for you." Kou smiled. "She said she liked the way you were scary, and thinks you can whip us into shape more than Coach can!"

     Yukiko shook her head. "I don't know, Kou. I'm too unstable around others. I don't think I'd feel very comfortable around any of them, especially after embarrassing myself like I did."

      "How about you come and watch me and Akaashi practice today!" Kou suggested. "We're going to the park today, because he wanted to work on his sets more. You can watch us play, and see if you can give us some pointers! If you're good and you like it, you should consider joining."

     Yukiko mulled it over. Taking another sip of her juice, she nodded. "Alright. I'm not promising anything, so don't get your hopes up." She watched as her brother cheered, and she couldn't help the small smile that formed on her lips. "What does the team think of the idea, anyways?"

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