Chapter Thirteen

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Charles jumped out of the jet and raced towards Aella, who was on her knees. He placed his arm around her and cupped her face. "Are you alright?" He asked as her face was painted with pain.

She nodded her head and Charles helped her to her feet. Exhausted, the two looked towards the submarine where a hole was cracked from within. Erik levitated out of the crack, with Shaw in front of him. His lifeless body hung high in the sky, his head dangling down and arms out, as if he was hung up by his arms. Aella looked in horror as Shaw's dead body floated above the sands below. Erik emerged watching his dead puppet float in the sky.

"Today, our fighting stops!" He yelled from above.

He then floated Shaw's body out further, the blood from the coin that ripped through his skull and brain, dropped to the sands below him. Erik then dropped the dead body like it was nothing. Aella saw Shaw's group of mutants look to their leader who was now dead. Erik looked towards Charles, Aella and Moira, who watched closely. Erik floated down, standing between the group of Shaw's mutants and Charles'.

"Take off your blinders, brothers and sisters."his voice boomed. "The real enemy is out there." Erik pointed to the ships in the bay. "I feel their guns moving in the water, their metal targeting us!" He yelled to the people around him. "Americans, Soviets, humans." Erik growled, as he walked closer. Charles stepped closer to Erik, Aella soon followed, fearful of the actions that could arise from his speech.

"United in their fear of the unknown." Erik continued, "The Neanderthal is running scared, my fellow mutants!"

Everyone now followed Erik to the edge of the beach. Aella felt the anger from Erik, the need to seek revenge on those who didn't understand the mutants.

Erik told Charles to check the ships, to confirm what Erik was saying. Aella stopped following Charles, as he and Erik stood at the edge of the beach together. Charles looked towards Moira and nodded his head. Aella turned to the army ships in the water and felt worried, she knew that Erik was right. They would kill what they were afraid of. And the humans were afraid of the mutants. Moira ran back to the jet to try and contact someone to tell the ships to not fire on the beach.

Everyone seemed to wait for a moment. No one spoke, but they could all hear Moira frantically trying to contact someone, anyone. But no one answered her pleas. It was quiet for a moment, the sound of fire cracked behind them, and the water washing on shore. It was short lived. Loud bangs and smoke filled the air as the canons on the army ships all fired at once, towards the beach. It was like a light show, with smoke and fire.

Everyone watched in horror as the missiles were heading straight towards the mutants. Aella felt the fear surrounding the group, but not in one person. She turned her head to Erik who watched, stone cold, as death approached. Aella felt his calmness in such a stressful situation. In that moment she knew. Erik reached his hand up, and stopped the missiles from coming any closer. They stopped in their place, above the group, suspended in the air. Turning his hand, Erik turned them around to face towards the ships from which they came from.

"Erik, you said yourself, we're the better men." Charles said next to him. "This is the time to prove it." His words were rushed.

Erik didn't seem to listen, he continued to turn the missiles around. Aella sensed the conflicting feelings inside for a moment, he questioned his actions, but only for a split second.

"There are thousands of men on those ship!" Charles pleaded. "Good, honest, innocent men! They're just following orders." He gasped out.

His feelings quickly shifted. She felt his conflicted emotions quickly turn sour and become filled with pure hatred and sorrow.

"I've been at the mercy of men just following orders." Erik grumbled. He turned to Charles, "Never again."

Erik threw his hand back and let the missiles fly back towards the ships filled with innocent men.

"Erik, release them!" Charles yelled.

Aella stepped forward and looked to the sky. She couldn't live with herself knowing that these men would die on her watch. Quickly, she felt her power flow through her veins and extended her hands out. Her fingers curled at the power as she focused her mind on stopping those missiles. Her mind locked onto the missiles in the sky and they stopped mid air again. Erik, turning in shock, looked to Aella with pure hatred. Turning back around he put another hand up and started to inch the missiles forward. Aella focused harder, feeling the pain and anger from herself, not from Erik this time.

With the force of Erik, out doing her own, her feet started to move backwards in the sands. She tried to keep herself still but Erik's force was too much for her to keep up with. The missiles still hung lifeless in the sky, with Aella grunting, trying to keep them from moving any further. Aella couldn't match Erik's power. Slipped from her grasp, the missiles continued on towards the ships.

"No!" Charles yelled as he ran and tackled Erik to the ground.

Aella took this moment to make some of the missiles explode in the air or go into the water, away from harm.

Charles and Erik began to fight on the sands, which caused Raven, Hank, Sean and Alex to march forwards, ready to take out Erik.

"Stand back!" Erik yelled and flung Alex, Sean and Hank back away from him.

Erik had knocked Charles all the way down to a point where Erik was able to regain control of the remaining missiles that hung in the air. Aella looked to him and they were back playing tug of war. But the game was short. Erik flung his hand up, causing Aella to go flying back onto the sand. She had lost hold of the missiles again.

Suddenly a bullet hit off Erik, like he had a shield around him. Aella tried to scramble to her feet as Moira shot at Erik with her gun. Erik protected himself from each incoming bullet. Charles began to stand up when Erik pushed a bullet aside, hitting Charles in the lower back.

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