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Dancing around the block, skimming past the people who brushed past, she turned her attention to the sidewalk as she walked town the street and towards the bar where she worked all too hard at. She was tired these days, having nothing to do with her life but sleep, eat, work and attend university, she had rushed herself maybe a little to far. She wanted so desperately to take off down the busy street and leave the city, having nothing to worry about. But she had a job, a life, and a purpose to find.

Upon entering the bar, she threw off her coat and walked past Colin, the bartender who was also her boss. He gave his usual grin and said hello to the young girl and let her run to the back room and throw her things in her cubby. Glancing in the mirror one last time before she rushed onto the floor, she fixed her hair, fixing the clips to keep the sides from falling in her face, and brushed some mascara that had rubbed onto her under eye. Straighten herself, she grabbed the tray from the back shelf and walked to the bar to join Colin.

"Late again I see." He said as he poured a drink for one of the regulars, a tall beer.

She grabbed a cloth from the underside of the bar and felt her cheeks flush. "I'm sorry Colin," she didn't look at him as she tried to clean the bar from empty cups and peanut shells. "I was up last night writing my paper."

"The genetics one?"

She nodded her head.

"Well good luck kid, genetics seems like hard business." He said turning again from her as more people entered the bar.

"You have no idea." She whispered, turning away herself, she too, got to work.

The night was filled with its usual drink deeds and loud music. She was busy cleaning up from the last person at the bar when one man came up to her. He was clearly drunk meaning the same old comment would follow.

"Hey beautiful." He slurred to her. She glanced up to him and gave him a stiff smile, she was trying to be friendly. "You always have your hair dyed like that? I've never met a girl with hair like yours."

The drunk man was talking about her unusual coloured hair. From the roots, the strands were a dark purple, but more brown then purple. Once they grew closer down her head, the purple faded into a bright electric blue. Her hair was short, almost reaching just above her shoulders, but clipped back for her busy night working the bar. She looked the man dead in the eyes and he seemed to lean closer, looking at her eyes.

"Why are her eyes purple" she heard him ask himself.

"I like the funky colours." She replied.

"Well I like the girls who like funky colours." He said leaning even closer. He squinted at her name tag, trying his best to read it.

"Aella." He laughs to himself, "what a funky name."

Aella rolled her eyes at the drunk man and caught the eye of Colin, who saw the man and walked over to him, explaining that he'd had enough to drink and that maybe he should leave.

"No man, I'm find I want to stay." He argued, Aella stepped back in fear of a fight.

"Come now, I think it's time you leave." Colin walked around the bar and went to grab the man by the arm but he pulled away. He stumbled away from Colin and reached the back of the bar, grabbing Aella by the arm.

She squirmed at his touch and he leaned closer to her, trying to look at her better. Colin reached him and tried to pull him off of Aella but ended up being pushed and stumbled back into a table.

The man pulled on her arm again and she flinched away from his grasp. "Let's get out of her." He whispered to her as she tried to pull away.

"No." She whispered as the man started to drag her out of the bar. He kept pushing and pushing her, pulling her body closer to his.

Aella closed her eyes as her ears started to ring, she tried to calm herself but she was overwhelmed with the situation. The was pulled once more and suddenly felt his grasp leave her arm. Keeping her eyes closer, she heard the commotion around her as glass shattered and people started talking, asking questions. Opening her eyes she saw the drunk man across the bar, unconscious on a pile of wood that was once a table.

Colin stood up and looked towards the unconscious man and looked to Aella who looked shocked at what had just happened.

"I think it's time you go home Aella." Colin said.

Looking around the bar she saw that people were not focused on her, but the man unconscious in the corner. She looked at Colin with fear and rushed in the back, grabbed her coat, and took off down the cold street.

X-Men: First Class Fanfiction: Violet PhantomWhere stories live. Discover now