Chapter Twelve

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The group got each other out of the jet and regained control. Charles looked out one of the holes of the jet "I read the teleporter's mind. Shaw's drawing all the power out of his sub." He said with Moira next to him. "He's turning himself into some kind of nuclear bomb."

"We got no time." Moria said, "The Geiger count's going out of control."

The rest of the group looked out the jet and towards the submarine that was washed up on the sands of the beach, thanks to Erik and Aella.

"Alright Moria," Charles started, "this is what we're gonna do: Get on the radio, and tell them to clear both fleets out immediately."

"I'm going in." Erik said who was leaning towards a window next to Aella.

"Beast, Havok, back him up." Charles demanded. "Erik. I can guide you through once you're in, but I need you to shut down whatever it is that's blocking me," Charles said turning to him, "and then we just hope to God it's not too late for me to stop him."

"Got it." Erik said standing up and racing out of the jet.

"Good luck!" Charles said after him. Aella turned to Raven who was standing behind her, about to race after Erik. "Raven stop!"

"I'm going to help them." She said sternly.

"We don't have time for this!" Charles barked back. "Anything comes in that entrance you're taking care of it. Yes?"

"Fine." Raven huffed.

"Aella you help Raven." Charles said looking to the young girl who was frightened at the whole situation. She nodded and followed Raven.

Moria got to the radio and tried to contact someone to try and get the boats away from the battle that would soon come on the beach. Charles sat in the jet, looking out a hole that was cracked into the side, telling Erik where to go.

Aella lifted her head towards the submarine and felt Erik inside. She felt him ready to do whatever it was he had to do, to end Shaw. For a moment she felt uneasy about it. Charles jumped up from his spot and walked towards the end of the jet. Aella and Raven were now on the middle of the beach but the young girl could feel the uneasiness in both men she was connected too. Turning away from Raven, Aella turned back to the jet where she saw Charles standing by the crack in the walls, eyes focused on the sub, fingers on his temple. Aella felt a tingle of fear from Erik, which caused her to turn back and run back to the sub where Charles was frantically yelling to Moira that Erik had gone into the void where he couldn't reach him.

Suddenly a force seemed to stop Aella as she felt the painful memories rush back to Erik about things from his past. Gasping for a moment, Charles suddenly also gained control back to communicate with Erik. "Charles." Aella gasped out as she felt pain within her.

Charles turned to her and looked back to the submarine where he too could see Erik in trouble. Charles leaned out the crack again, focused on the submarine. He gasped and groaned for a moment which sent a wave of focus through Aella.

"Charles are you okay?" Moira asked behind them.

"Moria be quiet. I can only control this man for so long." Charles said gasping for air.

Charles started yelling to Erik that if he did what he first intended to do, he could never turn back.

"No!" Charles groaned, he eyes squeezed shut. Aella stumbled back and looked to the submarine.

For a moment she focused herself on the submarine. She saw Charles look to her as they knew what he was going to do. Closing her eyes she focused her energy in on Erik. Feeling herself shift in and out of where she was, she tried to focus everything she had done into getting in there with Erik and stopping him.

Stepping out of the jet, she felt the sand move below her as she closed her eyes again and felt the wind move with her. A soft glow came to her hands, purple like her hair. The energy she had created took form in the purple sparks and mist that formed from her fists. Snapping her eyes open, the rest of the team who were now on the beach as well, saw that her eyes had turned purple. Completely purple.

Aella gasped for air as she saw she was now in the submarine. Glass was broken everywhere, metal bars and poles through the walls of the room she was in. The lights were blue at the mess of the room. She turned weakly towards Erik who wore the helmet that Shaw wore the night he attacked the complex. She saw Charles at work, Shaw was frozen in his position, reaching out for someone. Erik stood at the end of Shaw's extended hand.

She tried to hold herself there, watching this unfold in front of her as Erik took out an old silver coin. She could barely hear Erik's voice as she tried to stabilize herself and try and connect with Erik.

"Erik please!" She gasped out, her form was fading. But Erik could not see her, nor hear her. Aella was there, but not to Erik.

Looking at the coin as it moved towards Shaw's head, Aella knew that Charles was stopping Shaw from moving. Meaning he would feel the pain of whatever Erik did to Shaw. Once the coin reached Shaw's forehead, Aella screamed out as she felt the pain and agony that Charles was going through. She feel to her knees and was back on the sand where she held her head, hearing Charles scream behind her.

Not only could Charles feel the pain but Aella as well. The connection she had with Charles made the pain buzz through her body just as bad as it did for him. She felt the whole coin move through her head and into her brain, feeling the cold silver pass through her head, and out the back.

She then felt the satisfaction of killing an old enemy. She felt the fulfillment of revenge. Aella felt the pleasure of killing Shaw from Erik.

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