Chapter Five

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Holding her knees close to her chest, Aella sat with the other mutants outside of the graveyard that they called the CIA complex. When she closed her eyes she heard the screams of those who had died the night before. She tried to ignore the sinking feeling of the feelings of those around her, instead, she thought of her own. Th pain, the hurt. It was all there, and it destroyed her insides.

Looking up from the ground, she saw Erik, Charles and Moira get out of a car and run up to the group. "Raven!" Charles said as he ran to his sister, hugging her tightly.

Erik walked around the mess that had occurred around the complex before stopping at Aella. The girl looked up at him as he looked down at her, pressing her back against the cold concrete of the CIA sign. For a moment Aella looked into his eyes, feeling something click. Her mind seemed to shut down as she felt his feelings. She had felt others emotions before, but nothing like this, it was as if she was in his mind. Aella felt his anger, fear, hatred for Shaw. She felt everything and anything that he felt in that very moment.

Erik looked down at the young girl, as she seemed so lost and scared, waiting for their next move. Erik felt nothing that Aella was feeling, he just stood there, for that split second, looking to the poor girl. But that split second to Aella felt like his whole lifetime. She had felt it all.

"That's why we're taking you all home." Charles said breaking Aella out of her thoughts.

"He's not going back to prison!" Sean said pointing to Alex.

"They killed Darwin." Alex said standing in front of Charles.

"All the more reason for you to leave. This is over." Charles answered him sternly, looking at the whole group.

"Darwin's dead, Charles. And we can't even bury him." Raven said sternly back to Charles who looked at her for a moment.

"We can avenge him." Erik said walking away from Aella, who now tried to bring herself to her feet.

"Erik a moment?" Charles asked Erik who both went to the side for a conversation.

Aella rubbed her head and glanced to Erik as he talked with Charles. She felt dizzy for a moment once she stood up, her limbs sore from everything that had happened. She was also tired, having not slept at all the night before.

"We'll have to train. All of us. Yes?" Charles asked turning to the group, away from Erik.

"Yeah." Alex said with his hands on his hips.

Hank walked closer to Charles and Erik, "We can't stay here. Even if they re-opened the department, it's not safe. We've got no where to go."

Charles grinned at the young scientist, "Yes we do."

Standing in front of the most beautiful house Aella has ever seen, the group stood in front of Charles' and Raven's home growing up.

"This is yours?" Seas asked as they all stood outside admiring it.

"No, it's ours." Charles said smiling.

"It's like a castle." Aella said gasping.

"Honestly Charles, I don't know how you survived. Living in such hardship." Erik said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"Well, it was a hardship softened by me." Raven said pushing her way through the group, "It's time for the tour!" She said leading the group into the house.

Aella stayed back for a moment, as everyone else followed Raven towards the giant house. Charles stopped and turned to Aella who turned back towards the driveway where they had came from.

"You want to go home." Charles stated. Aella turned her attention to Charles, she didn't answer him. "You can tell me." Charles said walking up to her.

Aella sighed, "I don't think I'm good enough for this team."

"Why not?"

Aella avoided Charles' cautious eyes, "I felt to hopeless, I couldn't save Darwin. I don't even know how to control my powers." She said, her voice cracking.

Charles shook his head and put his grasp on her shoulders, "That's why you are here, to get the right attention to help control your mutation. You are strong enough, and you will understand it." He said softly, leaning closer to her, placing his hands on her cheeks.

Aella placed her hands on top of his and let a tear slip, "I'm afraid."

"I know you are, but you don't have to be afraid of yourself."

Aella looked at him, feeling so tired and drained she nodded. He was right. Right about everything. He could help her, Charles was her only option.

Charles wiped her tear away and put his arm around her shoulders. "Come now darling, you need the grand tour." He chuckled causing Aella to crack a soft smile.

X-Men: First Class Fanfiction: Violet PhantomWhere stories live. Discover now