Chapter Six

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It seemed to Aella that Charles wanted to fix everyone on the team. He worked with each member individually, talking them through processes and having a grip with their mutation. He was proud of himself when someone successfully achieved their potential, even if it was just a little sliver of what they could do.

Aella watched in one case when Charles was helping Sean. They had climbed up to the window and placed a body suit on him to help him fly through the air with his supersonic scream. Hanging out a different window, was the rest of the group, Aella and Erik leaned out the same window and watched eagerly. Charles was reassuring Sean that he could do this and glide out of the window no problem. As the group hung from the windows they watched as Sean took a leap of faith only to fall straight down into the bushes.

Erik chuckled next to Aella and got away from the window. Aella looked down shocked as Charles and Hank ran from their room down to the bottom floor, racing to Sean's aid.

"What about you kid?" Erik said at the doorway of the room they were in.

Aella got away from the window and turned to him, the sun lighting the room which was a spare bedroom. "What about me?" She asked walking up to him. She walked past him and made her way down to the living room, where Charles, and Hank, looked over Sean.

"I haven't seen you train much." Erik said following her down the hall.

Once near the common room, Aella turned to him and frowned. She had tried to train with Charles. It was only their second day of training and she tried. Charles told her to relax, and listen to her mind, but she felt nothing. Just emptiness.

"Don't worry, just try and focus on the pen, and lift it." Charles told her the day before while they sat in her room.

Aella closed her eyes, putting her hand out, she imagined the pen in her grasp, tried to feel it in her hands. After a moment of nothing, she opened her eyes and saw the pen had not moved an inch, still laying on the desk. She put her hand down and sighed.

"I'm sorry Charles. I can't."

"You can. You will. We just have to figure this out, together." Charles reassured her.

Aella looked to Erik as the memory of the day before dissolved into the air. Erik was waiting for an answer to his question. Charles had checked over Sean with Hank by this time, meaning Erik and Aella caught his attention.

"You can't control it can you?" Erik asked, almost angrily. Aella looked at him and walked towards where Sean was laying. "We have a common enemy, and you don't have the time to train?" He asked after her.

Aella stopped, turning to him, she felt scared. Erik walked up to her and got in her face, "Why are you even here?"

"Stop." She whispered.

"Seriously, we have a war to stop, and you can't control some silly power."

"Please, Erik." Aella put her hand on her head as she felt her ears ring, and she became dizzy.

"You're just a child." He taunted.

"Stop!" She said more loudly.

"Erik." Charles said walking towards them.

"Wake up Aella. Or leave!" Erik said looking down at her.

Suddenly, with her eyes closed and jaw clenched, Aella seemed to disappear ever so slightly. The lights in the room flickered and than shattered, causing everyone in the room to jump. Papers from a nearby table flew around slightly as Aella stood there, eyes closed, anxiety racing through her body.

Erik looked to Charles, with a grin on his face. Charles scowled him for using his anger to fuel Aella's power.

Aella came back into full form from being half disappeared, as Erik approached her. "Anxiety and fear fuels you." She opened her eyes and looked up to him, tears running down her face, "I guess we do have something in common." He said before turning away and walking out of the room.

Charles watched and as soon as Erik left, he raced to Aella who stumbled back, her hand on her head, dizzy from what had just happened. "Are you alright?"

She nodded, she felt lost, confused, and Charles knew it. "I'm sorry." She whispered. She leaned forward and Charles placed her in his embrace.

Later that night, Aella sat on her bed, looking out the window to the stars outside. She was extremely tired from the events earlier. Charles decided not to train with Aella that day, because she had done enough. Instead she sat on her bed and watched Erik and Charles train, which was very eventful because Erik wanted Charles to shoot him. Now, the night had come and the mansion was quiet, when a soft knock came to Aella's door.

Turning her attention to the door, she saw the door open and Erik on the other side. Aella sat up straight and avoided his gaze. "May I?" He asked from the doorway.

She nodded her head, not looking at him. Erik walked closer and sat on the chair by the desk, placing it in front of her. He leaned closer, causing Aella to finally look up at him.

"I pushed you today because you have the power but you don't know how to unleash it." He said.

"So you decided to insult me?" Aella's voice broke.

Erik leaned back in the chair, shaking his head at the young girl. "Aella, we are more alike then what we would like to admit." He sighed, looking to the window, "I don't know your life, and you don't know mine. But we have our reasons that trigger our powers."

"What's yours?" Aella asked, looking at his side profile as he looked to the stars outside.

"Anger, pain." He said softly. Aella looked down at her hands in her lap, she didn't say anything. After a moment of comfortable silence, Erik turned to her again, "Yours is fear, anxiety."

Aella nodded to him. Erik looked down and then stood from his seat. He walked back towards the door and stopped, looking over his shoulder he said "I didn't mean the things I said. I just wanted to see what you could do." And with that, he left Aella's room.

The young girl sighed, and laid back on her bed, staring at the ceiling. She felt better with his reasons, but also fear for the realization of the possibility of trying to control that fear.

X-Men: First Class Fanfiction: Violet PhantomWhere stories live. Discover now